Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who Does Aedan Look Like?

My personal opinion? Newborns look nothing like what they'll look like as they get older. Brody looks so different from when he was a baby. So whenever anyone analyzes Aedan, saying, "oh he looks just like Jason!" or 'Wow, he really looks like you!" I just take it with a grain of salt, because who knows how he will look when he gets older. But, one thing is for certain...

He is definitely a spitting image of his brother. I didn't realize it at first, but now I totally think he is identical to Brody as a baby.  Which of course makes me think that they'll end up looking very similar as toddlers as well.

Aedan 5 days
Brody 3 days old
Aedan 5 days

Brody 4 days
Brody 3 weeks

Aedan 3 weeks

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Called it! You've got two cute kiddos!