Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 Weeks


Sleeping: He's a pretty good sleeper, but still wakes up every 3 - 3.5 hours throughout the night. Once, he slept for 5.5 hours, of which, I got 4.5 hours of sleep because I was dumb enough to stay up for an hour reading a book. I'm hoping to get another one of those soon!

Eating: This totally depends on the day, but on a good day, he eats every 2-3 hours during the day and 3-4 hours at night. Some days though he eats every hour. It's Aedan's world and I'm just living in it.

So, now that Aedan is up to his birth weight and growing so well, I thought I would introduce small amounts of dairy into my diet. I thought I would start with a piece of cheese here and there. Then I had pizza one day for lunch. First, he got fussier, but I wasn't sure if that was due to growth spurts. Then, we noticed changes in his diaper. But that could have been due to his cold. Then I found blood in the diaper. This is exactly what tipped us off to the dairy allergy with Brody, so alas, I'm finding history repeating itself. The good thing is that we figured it out a little earlier this time. The bad thing is, I've been dairy free for almost 5 weeks and I hate it. Apparently we eat a lot more cheese and dairy in this house than I thought! However, the switch to formula will be even more annoying, since we'll likely have to start with hypoallergenic. So back to dairy-free I go!

Development: Aedan is more and more attentive every day. Jason swears that he "smiles" at him / recognizes him. I don't doubt that, I know he recognizes his voice from even before he was born, but I'm thinking he's exaggerating the smiling part. :)

Exciting night in the Johnson household
We haven't spent a ton of time on tummy-time, but his neck is pretty strong when we lay him on our chests. We'll be working on getting him in his playmat more and more.

 Big-Brother is still adjusting.  I don't expect him to accept the change quickly (I know I don't react well to change), so we'll continue to give him more time.  But we've had good days and bad days.  Still working on getting more good days than bad, but the rainy weekend didn't really help with that either.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Thanks for the update - can't wait to see you all this weekend!
I love the pic of J and Aedan zonked out...I laughed. Welcome to Mommyhood, right?! :)