Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aedan is 1 month old

Aedan is 1 month old today! Can you say, time flies when you're having fun? Or when you're too sleep-deprived to know what day it is...

Aedan's first month was actually a lot easier than Brody's.  It helps that I knew what to expect, what to worry about and was a lot more patient with breastfeeding.  It doesn't hurt that Aedan is sleeping better than Brody already.

He's a great sleeper.  Once we let him sleep on his own he started off with 3-4 hour stretches.  In the last week, he's slept 7 hours for 3 nights and 8 hours last night.  I am getting so spoiled!  Brody was a great sleeper and even he didn't sleep for 7 hours until 6-7 weeks old.  He's amazing.

Aedan weighs 10lbs 11.5oz and is almost 23 inches.  He always seems so much longer than they say he is, but I think it's just the way he's built.  His torso is very long.  He's in the 90th percentile for height, 75th for weight and 50-75th for his head.  Definitely a big kid, which is a huge relief that we're not constantly worrying about his size.  He's fitting best in size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes.  Some of them are getting tight though, so we may end up in 3-6 month clothes sooner than we did with Brody.

In the last week or so, Aedan has found his voice. He's practicing oohing and aahing. It's adorable. Much better than the grunting I normally hear from him. He has great facial expressions, that are practically identical to Brody's baby faces, so that's pretty cute. I'm enjoying him being awake more often during the day and we're using it to do some tummy-time. It can be kind of quiet when the baby sleeps all day!

Aedan gets out of the house fairly often, since I have a hard time staying home.  On the fun side, he's been to a few birthday parties and a pumpkin farm.  He's also been out shopping more times than I can count.  When my very tolerant husband started asking what I was going to Target for, again, I realized I probably go a little too much.  But there's always something you need, right?!?

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