Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gender Neutral

One of the best things about toddlers is that they don't understand "boy-things" vs. "girl-things."  Gender specific toys, colors, etc. are obviously things that society teaches us over time (which is annoyingly dumb.)

Brody does a lot of typical "boy" things.  Many of them are learned from his father and cousins, and some might just be genetic.  He loves sports, getting dirty and is fearless.  Though I know a lot of girls like that too....

Then the more interesting ones.  Brody loves putting "pretties" in his hair.  This is what the teachers at school call pony-tail holders.  They are constantly putting his hair up.  Now that he's older, it's always because he asks for one, not because the teachers think it's cute.  Also, he loves putting on my shoes.  He doesn't care that they're "girl" shoes, he just likes putting them on!  He plays with a dollhouse at daycare and isn't afraid to wear pink.  I love that he doesn't care and he is just being himself.

Now for my minor gripe...why does everything we purchase have to be gender specific??  A couple weeks ago, we went to pick out a toilet seat.  We want Brody to feel very excited about potty training (we're still in the introduction stage), so we let him have a lot of choice.  I told him he could pick out his own seat.

Which one did he pick?  The Dora one!  Yes it was pink, no big deal.  Now for the didn't have a splash guard.  For those of you with boys, you know what this is, but it's a plastic piece that goes in the front of the seat to ensure that his pee actually ends up in the toilet and not all over the bathroom.  The Cars toilet seat had one, the Diego seat had one...but the Dora one?  Nope!  Because clearly only girls can have a Dora seat.  I was a little annoyed.  Luckily we convinced Brody that the blue Diego seat was just as cool.

Clothing is pretty much the same issue.  Boys apparently all like cars, dinosaurs and sports.  Of course go in the girls department and even though there is more selection, you'll definitely notice A LOT of pink.  I'm sure that drives moms of girls a little crazy too.  Not everyone loves pink.   (Though I'll admit if I had a girl, I'd probably go overboard on pink)

I'm just happy that Jason is secure enough not to care when Brody wants his hair done or plays with dolls.  Boys will be boys...and a little bit girly too.


Tina said...

As a not-so-girly mom, I get annoyed with all the pink for Aubrie. Not that she doesn't have it or wear it...she does - and it's a color that works with her skin tone.
I think it's funny you think girls clothing has more of a selection; I think the opposite! :) Boys have all the cute plaid button-ups to go with khakis and stuff and girls (apparently) can only wear dresses. I also would appreciate stores carrying sporty apparel for girls. You know, like a NIKE track suit or casual sweats for girls. I look every single time I'm out. Not complaining, just sharing my wish-list from the other side of the gender mountain. :)
Can't wait to see you guys again!

Kellie said...

I guess I'll revise my comment by saying that girls departments have more quantity. Actual variety, I've never really looked at. But I have noticed a lot of dresses, so I know where you're coming from! :)