Friday, January 8, 2010

39 Weeks

Weekly Checklist
How far along? 39 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs
Maternity Clothes: If I could go to work in lounge pants, I would.
Sleep: I wish.
Food Cravings: Strawberry & banana sundaes (custard). I had it twice this week & a strawberry shake another night. Not good for the hips...
What I am looking forward to: holding Brody. He's the light at the end of this tunnel.
Weekly wisdom: I've got none. It's been a hard week, which I can only say I've brought upon myself. I had been hoping that I'd give birth early, but a know that first time moms very frequently go past their due date. I'm thankful that Jason hasn't decided to up & leave me...I've been rather difficult to deal with.
Milestones: My body is rebelling. My back no longer can handle the weight and hurts constantly. My pelvis feels like it's going to break in half, especially if I sit too long. And even my knees have started hurting. It's like my body is telling me, "you're not meant to carry this much weight!" I can only be thankful that my body held out this long, at least i'm in the home stretch.

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