January 10, 2012
How we found out #2 was on the way:
A little background:When we decided to have Brody, it only took us 2 months to conceive. So of course I had really high expectations with this one and was trying very hard to not to get my hopes up. However, after one month of trying, I of course was a little sad when we weren't successful.
The second month we were trying I realized how selfishly I wanted this to be the month. I'll list them out later, but there are a ton of reasons a Sept baby would be awesome for us. So of course I started getting my hopes up.
Knowing I could be in for the long run, I bought a pack of home pregnancy tests online for super cheap. My theory was that since they were so cheap, it wouldn't be a problem if I tested multiple times.
The days leading up:About 5 days before my period, I took a test. I didn't even tell Jason because I was pretty sure it would be negative. However, we were going out with friends that night and I figured that if I knew for sure, it would be great.
Of course it was negative. I was still dissapointed and did end up telling Jason later that it was negative. The test strips were supposed to be very sensitive, so I was feeling pretty confident that this probably wasn't the month. Just in case though, I only had a little over 1 glass of wine. (In retrospect, I wonder if I should have abstained completely...oh well)
And here we go again:2 days before my period I had a dream that I took a test and it was positive. Crazy right?? I woke up after the dream to cramps. It felt like my period was on it's way. Again, dissapointment.
However, I found out we were pregnant with Brody on the same cycle day, so I tested anyway.
First test: very very faint pink line that showed up after the full 5 minute testing time. (Me: This can't be right??)
Second test: Immediately took another one (remember these were cheap!). Faint, but a little more clear. But...a line is a line...right????
Showed them to Jason but we were cautiously excited. Tossed them in the garbage. Went to work - googled - said a line is a line no matter how faint. Now I was really getting excited.
Picked up a digital test on my way home that night....Took it and yep - Pregnant!!!
I handed Brody the test (with the plastic cover over it) and told him to take it to Daddy. What does he do? He takes the cover off of the part that has my pee on it and starts to rub it on his arm. He then sticks it in his hair next. (This kid is crazy).
Meanwhile, I'm quickly trying to grab it away from him! Jason has no idea what is going on, so I just put the cover back on, throw the test at him and went to wash Brody up.
Then it finally clicks what he's looking at and he gets very excited.
Same amount of cycles, postive test on the same day...sometimes it's good when history repeats itself!