First appointment was with a nurse to confirm pregnancy, take blood and go over any questions / give me the what to do / not to do while pregnant.
All in all pretty eventful. She confirmed that the pregnancy test was positive - but I assumed that their test was pretty consistent with the million I took at home.
February 9th
First appointment with the OB. Sadly, the OB that delivered Brody (who we loved!) died of cancer before Brody turned 1. So, this was only my second appointment with my new doctor from the same office. It was interesting to see how his views were going to be different than my last doctor.
Luckily, I got to skip some of the not-so-fun stuff, since I was just in the office last summer. He wasn't worried about waiting until after birth to do the routine annual exam. All he did was check to make sure everything was growing on schedule
He brought a doppler in to listen to the heartbeat, but said right away, that it will be hard to hear one at 8 weeks. He said he'd probably bring me back in 2 weeks to try again to listen to it. I was instantly dissapointed. I had a bad dream this week that I miscarried the baby, and for some reason have been extrememly more paranoid with this one than with Brody.
Then...he said something like, or we could pop-in for a quick ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. Yes please!! Jason told him that I was being a worry-wart and that an ultrasound would probably make me feel a lot better, commenting that I was having bad dreams about the baby.
Once he realized that my uterus is tipped backwards (happened after Brody was born, doesn't really affect anything), he knew that he'd never hear the heartbeat with a doppler. Obviously the baby is positioned further away, making it harder to hear anything. So he didn't even try. He just said, let's go see if the ultrasound is available. Yay!!
He found the baby very quickly with the wand and we instantly saw a little flicker. That was the heartbeat. He looked around for awhile, showing us the forming umbilical cord, did a 3D image of our little peanut and double checked to make sure there was only 1 in there (whew!).
Apparently I ovulated from my left ovary (I find this interesting for some reason) and there was a weird speck of something near the baby (but not on it). Doc said it was nothing to worry about, just something to note at this point and time. Said it will probably go away, but didn't say much else about it. Luckily, we'll be going back for another one in 4 weeks, so we'll get to make sure everything is still on track.
Introducing, our little peanut...

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