Monday, July 13, 2009

The Home Pregnancy Test

May 7th 2009:

This was the second month we had been trying to have a baby. Most home pregnancy tests now tell you that you can test upto 5 days before you miss your period. If you read the fine lines, it's still very likely you'll get a false-negative testing that early.

I had a slight feeling that we had been sucessful this month, so even knowing it would probably be negative, I took the test 2 days early. I set the test down on the counter, expecting to wait 3 minutes. Jason was in the room and while I looked away for 2 seconds, he saw it turn to "pregnant." Instead of telling me anything, he just told me to look at the test & walked out of the room.

I can honestly say I was shocked! I did think it was possible I was pregnant, but I didn't really expect to see a positive so early. It was a very exciting moment. Jason didn't say much, but gave me a really big hug.

After being skeptical all day long, I re-took another test that evening. (I bought a twin-pack, why not use both?!) Again after a very short wait, it said pregnant. Then I was officially a believer.


Anonymous said...

Kellie, I love that you're blogging about all this stuff. For so long my blog friends have been people across the country I don't even know. It's exciting to have a real life friend documenting her journey.

I'm excited for the bayyyyby. :)

Tina said...

I took a pic of mine too! :)

Jen said...

I won't even confess to how many tests I took...I was in total shock. But I did justify several by saying they were purchased as part of the multi=pack...might as well use them, right? : )