I constantly crack-up at the things Brody says to me. I've posted about how random a conversation can be with him. But even more, these conversations really make me think about how weird his brain works.
I believe most of Brody's frustrations these days, is because he really doesn't understand certain things. Take yesterday's discussion:
Walking through daycare parking lot:
B: Blue one, Mama!
M: Yes, there is a blue car, good job!
B: Drive Blue one.
M: Silly, that's not our car! We have a brown car.
B: No Mama, blue one!
M: Brody, I can't just drive someone else's car. See, look at Mama's keys, they work for our Brown car.
Of course he was still upset we didn't get to drive the blue car, and I still don't think he gets why we can't just pick any car out of the parking lot and drive it home.
Then on the way home, he proceeded to tell me about the boogers in his nose, how he wanted eggs plus hot dogs for dinner and told me I drive too fast. He seriously makes me laugh.

Isn't being a mom the best thing ever? He is such a cutie!
Absolutely the best thing ever. :)
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