Thursday, June 28, 2012

28 Weeks / 28 Week Appointment

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 19 in total according to the doc today.  But I looked back at my last pregnancy and I gained 22 lbs by this point, so at least I'm trending a little better!
Maternity clothes: The summer heat has definitely kicked in, so I'm enjoying the tanks, dresses and comfy shorts.
Sleep: Exhausted, always.  And sleeping isn't that comfortable at this point, so the last few months are always a blast!
Best moment this week: Had another doc appointment and hearing Aedan's heartbeat always makes me smile.  He's also moving a ton, which I love.  It's nice  to feel like him with me at all times.  Though I'm a little worried about how active he is...what am I going to do with two crazy boys on my hands?!?
Food cravings: nothing fun
Gender: Boy oh boy.
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: bending over and being able to reach my feet... :(
What I am looking forward to: holding him.  I've totally forgotten what it's like to hold a tiny little baby, it's goign to be so sweet.
Milestones: Let's see...3rd trimester.  I've hit a point where morning sickness started up again and exhaustion is in full swing again.  Luckily a few other typical milestones haven't hit yet...I'm still wearing my rings and my ankles haven't swollen up yet.  Winning!
Differences between 1&2:  The advantage of your first pregnancy is that you can take a lot more time to take care of yourself.  The luxury goes away when you have a growing baby and a 2 year old to take care of.  I miss all the naps I used to take when I was carrying Brody.  That would be so nice...

28 week dr appt - my OB was off delievering a baby (go figure!) so I met with a different OB in the practice
Weight: Up 4 lbs since last time
Blood Pressure: 120/70
Heartbeat: 130
Fundal Height: 27-28 (according to blog - I was 28.5 @ 28 weeks w/ Brody. Which is funny because I feel so much bigger this time!)
Questions: Talked mostly about travel.  I have 3 weekend trips planned 3-6 hours away from home from 32-35 weeks pregnant, so I wanted to make sure we talked about if I needed to be checked for dilation before I traveled.  She reminded me that I'm now going to appointments every 2 weeks (seriously? really? it's that far already!?), so that my OB could check me before my first trip.

Then I had to do the O'Sullivan (screen for Gestational Diabetes).  Drink a sugary drink, wait for an hour, do a blood draw.  The drink wasn't pleasant and made me feel a little nauseous, but was fine.  It's more boring than anything. 

Last time I wasn't worried at all about having GD.  Then this time I figured it wouldn't be a big deal either, until my OB tells me that I'm actually at a higher risk.  What? Really? 

Apparently having a large baby the first time puts you at risk of having GD the second time.  Everything I've read says 9lbs, and Brody was just under I'll be okay, right?  I honestly was a little more worried this time.  We'll find out tomorrow for sure!

1 comment:

Tina said...

You meant to say "3" crazy boys, right?!?! :) thanks for the post - you look so cute!