Monday, May 14, 2012

20-21 Weeks

21 weeks 3 days

We've been busy the past couple weeks, so I'm combining two check-ins in one.
How far along? 20/21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 7lbs per the doctor's office scale.  That's 4 lbs less than last time I was 21 weeks pregnant, so I am hoping I can keep the trend going.  My goal is to be healthier than the first time around.
Maternity clothes? Lots of them.  Just looking for it to warm up so I can wear the new capris I bought!
Sleep: Let's just say our brand new king-size bed is coming in handy.  Though the multiple pillows don't seem to keep my hips from hurting this time.
Best moment this week: Jason felt Aedan kick for the first time this week!  He's been having a party in my stomach, so it was great for Jay to feel it!  The second best thing the last two weeks is that my morning sickness is finally gone!! It only took 15 weeks to wake up feeling normal, but it's great to finally be there.
Food cravings: I've been craving a doughnut for 2 weeks and finally gave in to it on Friday.  It was delicious!
Gender: Little man
Labor Signs: Other than some braxton hicks, nothing, which is a good thing.
What I miss: Heels, and feeling like a 28 year-old instead of an 80 year-old.  My hips hurt, my back hurts, my knees hurt....
What I am looking forward to: Mother's Day with my boys.  Can't wait until next year when I'm a mom to two little boys.
Milestones: Past the halfway mark!
Differences between 1 & 2:  The amount of focus I give my pregnancy.  Obviously my weekly updates aren't as regular, plus I even forget how far along I am sometimes.  I'm so focused on Brody, that I haven't had as much time to think about the baby on the way.  I know that will change completely once Aedan is born, so I'm trying not to feel guilty about it right now. 

1 comment:

Tina said...

You look great, Mama! And yay for J being able to feel Aedan moment for your family!