Sunday, April 8, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2lbs
Maternity clothes? All the time.  Though I definitely need to do more shopping.  Being pregnant at two different times of the year means I need to go my wardrobe is a little limited these days.
Sleep: Still exhausted all the time and really hoping it gets better soon.
Best moment this week: Another good checkup & hearing the baby's heartbeat.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.  Fattening foods sound good to me a lot lately, but I'm trying to be smarter about my food habits this time around.
Gender: TBD - but, stay tuned...
Labor Signs: No.
What I miss: Sometimes after a stressful day...a glass of wine.  But, that's one that I can get over missing.
What I am looking forward to: Getting more energy.  And finding out if it's a boy or girl!
Milestones: Feeling the baby.  I've been feeling movement for a few weeks, but it's been really nice to remember that there's a little one in there!
Differences between 1 & 2:  This is probably obvious to those who read the blog.  But I haven't been tracking this pregnancy or as involved in it as I was with Brody.  It's obviously just the beginning of many differences with a second child, but I can't already help feeling guilty.  It's been a little more difficult for me to connect with this baby than I did with Brody.  All I had to worry about with Brody was him and Jason.  I could focus on taking care of myself and thinking about the baby.  Now, taking care of a 2 year old, while pregnant doesn't give me that luxury.  I know it's typical, but definitely a difference from last time.

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