Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weeks 5-7

Weekly checklist:
How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0
Maternity clothes? Seriously, I can't keep my pants buttoned. Okay, I can, but then it digs into my stomach and makes me even more sick than I already feel. Instead, I'm using a hair tie around my buttons or the Be Band to keep my pants up.
Sleep: Exhausted, but our trip to FL allowed me to sleep in A LOT. It was amazing and much needed.
Best moment these weeks: Telling a couple ladies the big secret.
Food cravings: More like aversions. Something sounds good, then I don't want to eat it. Sometimes while I'm eating it, it no longer tastes good. Is it second tri yet?
Gender: TBD - For the record, Jay has officially declared that it is a girl. Despite the fact that I am much sicker than with Brody (which would be just typical of a little-diva inside me), I do seriously think it will be another boy. Which is totally fine with me, since I clearly have an amazing little boy at home and know that we'd create another just-as-awesome little man.
Labor Signs: No.
What I miss: Feeling normal. Did I mention that morning sickness is in full swing? Oh and that it's not just morning, but noon, night, middle of the night. It's really awesome.
What I am looking forward to: 8 week appointment next week!
Milestones: 1st appointment (with the nurse, not the OB).

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