Anyone who knows Jason knows how much he loves baseball and the Milwaukee Brewers. He's been a fan through all the team's ups and downs. Then it should come as no surprise that Jay wanted to take Brody to the opening day game. He wanted to start a tradition of taking his son to the season opener every year, so why not start this year?
Due to the team's success over the last few seasons, it has become increasingly difficult to get tickets. Since we didn't have season tickets this year we had to put our name in to be picked to even attempt to buy opening day tickets. Needless to say, it wasn't very surprising when we were only able to get standing room only "seats."

Obviously we had to prepare for the game a little differently than if we were sitting down. We have a baby carrier that we could "wear" Brody in. Also, we planned to get into the stadium early with the hopes of getting a table. A couple days before the game we decided we would tailgate before the game since the weather was going to be warm.
We went to the game with our friends Todd & Natalie. They are both great with Brody and understanding about taking a baby to a Brewers game, so it was nice to have them along!

We did get into the game early but weren't able to get a table. Brody didn't mind and he quickly fell asleep in Jason's arms.
Then he woke up hungry and I bet Jason didn't imagine that one day he'd be feeding a baby at a Brewers game instead of watching the team warm up.
Brody handled the game very well. When everyone cheered he did get startled a little, but then got used to the noise. Then all of a sudden we noticed that the circulation in his legs was off and they turned purple. It freaked me out of course, so I tried adjusting the way I was holding him. They went back to normal. Then a couple innings later it happened again. We figured he'd had enough after being held while standing for a few hours. It was the fifth inning and we decided to head home.
We got home in time to see the 9th inning and unfortunately the Brewers lost.

All in all, I think it went well and we'd definitely take him to a game again. I wouldn't take him to a game where we didn't have actual seats. I think standing that long was too much for him and if he could sit on our laps he would've been more comfortable. And with any luck, he'll grow up to be as big of a baseball fan as his daddy!
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