Thursday, April 8, 2010

Brody's 1st Easter

Last Sunday we celebrated Brody's first Easter! While Easter isn't very exciting for a 2 1/2 month old, it was nice to celebrate his first big holiday. We didn't put together a basket for him or color any eggs, since he is still too little to enjoy either.

Ironically, Easter is the first holiday Jason and I celebrated as a couple when we started dating 10 years ago. So each year we give each other an Easter basket. This year, we just made a family one and took pictures of Brody with our basket. Don't worry, he will not be consuming any of that candy!

After Brody's little photo shoot, we took him to church before joining up with our families. We spent lunch with my Dad's side of the family. There was an egg-hunt for the little kids which was great since it was beautiful outside.

Then in the mid-afternoon we went to Jason's parent's house for Easter dinner. We had a relaxing evening with the family. Even though Brody will not remember his first Easter, I know everyone enjoyed spending it with him.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You got some adorable pictures! Love his little sweater vest. : )