Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Party in my Belly!

The baby's kicks are getting stronger and stronger every day. I've started to feel him more during the day and his movements are a lot harder than they used to be. However, they haven't been very constant (typical for this stage). Usually I'll feel a hard kick and then nothing for 5 minutes. This makes it very hard for Jason to be able to feel the kicks as well. Everytime I call him over to feel it, nothing happens.

Last night I could feel him moving all over the place. It was harder movements and he wasn't just in one spot. I think he was having a dance party in my stomach! :) So I called J over to feel it, and he did!! It was very exciting. He just kept saying, "ooh I felt that!"

I'm happy our baby officially started kicking his father instead of just me.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ohhhh yay! First kicks! :)