Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bring on 2012!

Alright, everyone is doing it (except my husband)...

It's resolution time!!

So let's start with how I did on my 2011 resolutions.

-Organizing. I made great strides, but this is a continual effort.
-Losing weight. Happy to report that I lost about 10 lbs in 2011, but I still have about 10 to go to be at a reasonable weight (in my eyes).
-Spending life living in the moment. I'm happy on the progress I made on this one last year. As I blogged, 2o11 was spent with a lot of family travel time. There was the slight hiccup of August where I dissapeared for about 6 weeks, working way too many crazy hours. But I think i've recovered from it pretty well and tried to make up for it when I can.

Now onto 2012 resolutions:

-Get in shape. I like this better than "losing weight" because at the end of the day, I don't care how much I weigh if I am healthier and more physically in shape. My sister is helping me with this resolution and we start preparing for a 5K in March. I have to blog, facebook, whatever I can about it, so that I get enough peer-pressure to make me stick to it. Honestly, I used to love running, so getting back into it will be really good for me. And then, obviously the weight will come with it.

-Continue to organize. I still have opportunities here and with all the stuff we keep accumulating with Brody, we need to find a better way to organize. We also plan to have more children, someday. (Not committing to when or how many for those grandparents out there reading this). But along with future child/children comes more stuff! Ugh, I groan just thinking about it.

-Home improvements. Starting with little things like curtains, hanging more pictures, organizing. Then moving to bigger stuff, re-tiling our bathroom, painting, landscaping. I often dream about buying a new house, but clearly the cheaper option is making the house I already own more loveable. So that is what we're going to do.

Happy 2012 to everyone & help keep me honest on my goals!!

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