Clearly I'm a bit behind in blogging. Things have been busy around our house this year, including two trips to Orlando over 10 days for me. We've also been getting over colds, ear infections and random fevers.
Birthday update will be done soon, but it has come and gone, Brody is officially two! And he's bringing in the year in style.
Terrible Two Style.
I don't know what happened to my sweet, endearing little boy!! Okay, he's always been a little crazy, but not so dramatic! I'm trying to take it a day at a time and approach from the "this too will pass" mentality. But that little man sure knows how to push my buttons.
His language is great these days. He's really doing a good job communicating and it's nice to know what he wants most of the time. Of course, with his ability to tell us what he wants, comes with demands:
-Brody sit in chair. Mama, couch!
-Mama eat breakfast.
-Brody no nap! Toys!
-More books Mama! (After reading 5 million before bed) Then...More songs Mama! (I secretly love this one because there is a day that will come where he realizes I'm not that good of a singer)
-Watch Guppies!
Most of these "requests" I'll happily do for him. Some I have to put my foot down (bedtime stall tactics). Others, I just cannot allow...and this is where the temper tantrums come in.
Recent examples:
1. Biggest fight ever about having cookies for dinner. Brody saw cookies on the counter and decided that is what he wanted for dinner. For starters, he very very rarely eats any desserts and definitely not cookies. So cookies for dinner?? Out of the question. The obvious compromise (if you eat your dinner you can have cookies for dessert), didn't work.
Result: 30 minutes of temper tantrums, crying, screaming, 1 unsuccessful time-out, a few tears on my part...and he finally gave in, ate his dinner and had cookies for dessert.
2. Marshmallows with dinner. We don't even have marshmallows in the house! Apparently he's been getting them at school for good behavior (will post about my opinions on this another time) and came home expecting the same thing.
Result: A few whines/cries, distraction with another food he liked, eventually forgotten about. Whew, crisis averted!
3. "Red Car Mama!!" -- Um, well, sure it would be great to drive the red car today, but your father already left with that car, and the brown car is the only choice we have. Oh and he said this after we were already a block away from the house! Where does he come up with this stuff?
This one is also right up there with his demands to drive. He's asked several times if he can drive. Luckily he had a toy steering wheel we keep in the car so he can pretend. I'm sure this won't be the last time we get this request between now and 16.
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