Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Brody is 10 weeks old
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Brody is 9 weeks
Oh how fast they change
It's when I look through pictures that I really realize how much he has changed. I put on this cute outfit the other day and the legs make it look more like capris than pants. So I looked for the last picture I had of him in this outfit:
3 weeks
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Brody's 2 month check-up
Brody weighed in at 11lbs 15oz. (I had estimated he was between 11.5-12lbs, not bad!) He is 2 feet long. His height is in the 75th percentile and his weight is still right around 50th percentile. They also measured his head which was in between the 25th & 50th percentile. Bottom line: he's tall, average build with a small head.
Then we talked about his eating habits and how he's handling the hypoallergenic formula. We are all definitely pleased that he seems to be handling the formula well and obviously it was the right choice. However, Jason and I are anxious to switch him back to soy as soon as he's ready. Soy is half the cost and we can buy store-brand instead of name-brand. The doctor said he'd like to try to switch Brody back to soy as early as 3 months. We're to call him in a month to discuss. He also understands the significant cost difference and I think he complains about it more than us! So he gave us about $25 worth of samples! Definitely offsets our $15 co-pay.
Then came the hard part: vaccinations. One vaccine is given orally, so that was easy. Then the nurses came in for the shots. He got two shots, so they did them at the same time, one in each leg. At his one month appointment, he barely flinched at his one shot, however, this time was much different.
He screamed loudly. And he kept screaming. It was awful, though probably worse for me than him. I almost cried. But I held him, gave him a bottle and tried to comfort him. He calmed down in minutes. By the time we were home, he was smiling and wanted to play.
Then it got worse. He woke up from his nap at 6:30 and started screaming bloody murder. Now, Brody barely cries as it is, so screaming is way out of the norm for him. We tried everything, feeding him, cuddling him, swaying him, rocking him. He was inconsolable. I probably waited a little too long to give him Tylenol (about 15 minutes into the screaming). Finally, after Jason spent an hour working to calm him down, he was ready to pass out.
He napped until almost bed-time and then went to sleep easily. He's still asleep after 9 hours. Poor guy!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Just like his mommy
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Another month flies by (2 months!)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Brody is 8 weeks old
This week Brody started sleeping through the night, we believe due to keeping him swaddled at night. I'm hoping it will stick and he'll keep sleeping 8-9 hours each night. On top of his long night of sleep, he's been going back to sleep until late morning. Just as I thought I had his scheduled figured out, he switched it up on me. So we spend the afternoons playing now instead of the mornings.
Brody had his first outside adventures this week due to the beautiful weather we've been seeing. First we bundled him up and took him out in the backyard. It was only in the 50s, so we had lots of layers on him, including his new Brewers sweatshirt that is a little big but perfect to keep him warm.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The secret to my success

My little houdini escaped his swaddle. After about a week of long sleep stretches when he was swaddled, and shorter sleep stretches when his hands escaped, we looked for another solution. We went shopping and bought a swaddle blanket that velcros closed so our little escape artist would stay snug all night long.
So appears to be helping. He even slept for 9 hours two nights in a row!
Monday, March 15, 2010
For moms everywhere
This article is great! I have been a mom for less than 8 weeks and I can already relate to some of these. Plus they made me laugh.
"#30 Still being really PO'd about the stretch marks"
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Brody is 7 weeks old!
Brody is 7 weeks old today. According to our scale at home, he's already over 11 lbs and already starting to wear some 3-6 month clothes (mostly Gerber clothes - they tend to run small). He's sleeping great, including a couple nights for 7+ hours. He's more and more alert everyday and seems to be an overall happy baby. He's smiling a lot and getting stronger every day. He likes to "practice standing" as seen in the picture below.
This past week Brody switched formula again, had professional photos taken, and was left without his parents for the first time since birth while we had a date night!
I love spending the days at home with Brody and it's only during his long naps that I sit around wondering what people in the adult-world are doing.
As for what Brody & I do all day?
We have play-time...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Formula-Feeding Woes
Monday, March 8, 2010
Say Cheese!
Over the weekend we had our first professional photos taken as a family of three. Anyone who knows my husband knows he's a huge Milwaukee Brewers fan, so it was only fitting to dress up in our Brewers gear for our picture. We're not a very formal family, so the casual look of our Brewers T-shirts and a cute outfit for Brody was perfect.
Then we went on to take a bunch of pictures of Brody by himself. We had no idea how he would act during his modeling session, but he was perfect! I think we have a ham on our hands, he was not camera shy at all. The photographer was great and got the most smiles out of him in a 10 minute period than we ever have. He also showed great neck strength and held his head up well for many of the pictures. He still isn't holding is head up completely on his own, but he's getting better!
Of course with any photo session, there those pictures that didn't quite turn out, but are hilarious!

Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday Night Fun
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Brody is 6 weeks old!

Monday, March 1, 2010
Brody's Baptism

The entire event, at the church and the celebration afterwards, caused me a bit of stress for weeks ahead of time. We are very lucky to have large families that are involved in our lives. Therefore the guest list ended up at almost 50 people. This is more people than we have ever had inside our house at one time. Plus, I worried that everyone wouldn't get a spot in the church. My sister and husband reassured me that it would all work itself out.
I'm happy to report that the entire day seemed to go great. By the time we got to the church I had relaxed, since there was nothing more I could do to prepare at this point. I was able to enjoy the baptism and what it meant for Brody to join the Church. We asked my older sister and Jason's older brother to be godparents and it was nice to have them standing by our side.
Then afterwards it was time to celebrate! We all headed to our house for some lunch and cake. There were several family members that hadn't met Brody yet, so it was a great time for them to hold him. He was definitely the man of the hour and a crowd-pleaser. Brody handled being passed around like an angel. He loved being able to take in all the new faces and was very happy all day. Here is a picture of him with my aunt, which is pretty much how pleasant he was all day.

The other great part of the day was getting together the 5 generations in Jason's family. He is lucky enough to still have living great-grandmothers. So on Sunday, Brody was able to meet his great-great grandmother and his great-grandmother on Jason's mother's side of the family. (Notice all the men in the family? We were destined to have a son!)
I also want to mention that we couldn't have had such a great day without our wonderful family! We had so much help, from getting the house ready, to bringing food, to helping host. Thanks to everyone's help we were able to enjoy the day.