Brody is 6 weeks old today! Every week I am more and more amazed at how fast he's growing. Though I don't know how much he weighs exactly, I'm sure he's close to 11 lbs if not over that. In the last week he was baptized and met many family members at his party. His Aunt Kalli (my oldest step-sister) was able to hold him for the first time this weekend, which was exciting.
As of today Brody is officially being formula-fed. Over the last week we transitioned him to soy formula with less and less breastmilk. Yesterday, I stopped pumping. I believe he also went through a growth spurt towards the end of last week. He had a couple of days of eating a lot and not sleeping much (which resulted in a very overtired baby). But then he followed it up with a couple of days of sleeping more than normal. 

When Brody is awake he's constantly looking around to take in his surroundings. He loves walking around the house and looking at new things. He likes taking in different faces and is doing a great job of tracking objects with his eyes. He still loves his swing and naps in it daily. I find that some days he'll nap better and longer in his swing than he sleeps in his bassinet at night.
He's still sleeping in his pack n play bassinet at night and usually for only 3 hour stretches. Some nights he'll sleep 4-5 hours and we haven't seen a 6 hour stretch in awhile. Hopefully we'll get back to some longer stretches, but in the meantime, we work around his schedule.
I also captured a smile on camera! He's been gassy smiling for awhile, and now he's starting to smile for other reasons. I still can't get him to smile on cue, despite the many funny faces I make at him or attempts at tickling him. But this picture was just him being happy in his swing.
1 comment:
I LOVE the smile! He must've been having a great dream. Too cute!
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