Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

The year of 2011:

I know my baby is going to go through toddlerhood and every minute will be fantastic. We plan on our family continuing to be a family of 3 (plus two dogs). So as I look forward to the year ahead, I reflect on the one thing I can change, myself.

So here are my resolutions to make me a better mother and person:

-Organize, organize and organize. I'm always top of things, plan our schedule well and always pay our bills on time. house is definitely not organized. So, I waste time finding things and doing things that should be faster. I'd rather spend that time with my favorite boys. (Yes, a house-cleaner is in our near future as well...and I refuse to feel guilty about it)

-Lose the pregnancy weight. A year later, Brody can no longer be an excuse for my poor health choices. Enough said.

-Spend more time living in the moment. Time flies by and I have a habit of looking into (a.k.a worrying about) the future too often. That also means getting home from work earlier more often. I realize I'm lucky to be alive and lucky to have the people that I have in my life.

And about it more often!

1 comment:

MWGirl said...

Good luck. I'm organizing too. Feel free to share your tips. :)