Thursday, December 16, 2010

Looking Back to Thanksgiving

Weeks later, I'm finally getting around to blogging about Thanksgiving. We hosted for our extended families for the 5th year in a row, however this was the first year as a family of three. Unfortunately, I didn't go as smoothly as I imagined.

Weeks prior to the holiday I was picturing Brody sitting down in his highchair next to us and eating turkey, rolls and veggies. I was very excited for him to eat his first Thankgiving meal. It's the first major family holiday that he'd be able to participate in. I could not wait.

The Friday before Thanksgiving I took a vacation day to do the grocery shopping while Brody goes to daycare. Then I spent a little time getting the house ready, but I figured I had all weekend to finish it and went to pick up Brody early. That night, he came down with the stomach flu. Fast forward to a weekend full of an unhappy, clingy baby and a lot of napping in my arms.

Honestly - what mother doesn't love lots of cuddle time? Right?

I still had a lot to do to get the house ready for our 15 Thanksgiving Day guests. And since the end of the month is my busiest time at work, what didn't get done over the weekend wasn't going to get done until Wednesday night. I'm a bit too neurotic to let things go until the last minute. Oh, and where is the husband during all this? Yep - sick with the same flu as Brody. I was on my own.

So I repeated to myself, "It's okay if the house isn't perfect", "my family will love me anyways". And when that didn't work, I called my sister & brother and begged them to come over and help. (Which they usually do anyways)

And was the house perfect? No.

And for the most part, it went unnoticed.
All in all it was a great day of family celebration. Brody was still a little unhappy but was mostly starving after a week of being sick. And his grand Thankgiving meal? He ate Cheerios while we ate Turkey. But at least he was there with us.

I was too busy being a part of the fun, that I forgot to snap pictures during the day. But here are some from Thanksgiving morning. Luckily his Aunt Nicole brought him a new toy to play with! It seemed to make getting over the flu much easier!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Aw, poor guy! (And poor you!)

You know, despite the fact that I love Thanksgiving food, none of my kids like it. They like pumpkin pie. And will only eat cranberry sauce from the if I make it, I have to also include a canned version.