Monday, October 25, 2010


Yes, I'm scared of the word toddler. That means Brody will no longer be a baby and I might have to accept that he's growing up way too fast. I know there are lots of moms out there rolling there eyes and thinking, "get used to it, this is only the beginning!"

Honestly, I am not great with change in my personal life. Up until now, I've been able to plan ahead for big changes. We planned when we wanted to start a family in advance, we've planned our house purchases in advance, I had 9ish months to plan our wedding. Can you tell I'm also a control freak?

So of course I approached motherhood the same way. I read a lot about baby milestones and "what to expect." For those of you that are laughing right now, yes I realize it was naive to think I could plan the ups and downs of having a baby. But there was one thing I thought I could count on...I had 12 months until he was no longer a "baby."

Then about a month ago, I received an email from our daycare saying that Brody would move to a Toddler Room on November 15th. After re-reading it 5 times, I realized they must have just made a mistake. Clearly they mixed him up with someone else. He won't be a toddler until January!! So I sent an email back explaining their error.

Then came her very understanding response,

"I know what you are saying, I thought the same thing. It's hard to think of these little guys so close to being a Toddler!"

But, no, he is really is moving up in November.

Our wonderfully awesome daycare is actually expanding by adding a couple new rooms and Brody will be one of the lucky ones to move into the new room. Which means, moving early.

While my logical side of my brain says, yes, this makes sense and yes the teachers are doing a great job managing the early tranisiton. And yes, I know he's going to love his new room with older friends. But the mommy-side of my brain says, "he's just too little!!"

So I thought I had 12 months before I had to accept sleeping on a cot, one nap a day and eating table food...I guess I really only had 10 months. Slowly but surely I'll start to accept that I cannot control everything about my little guy. But it won't stop me from trying!

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