For the last 12 months Brody has been completely reliant on me. He needed me for 9 months in utero, then as a newborn he couldn't do anything without my help. Now he's growing up (you know, he's almost 4 MONTHS old!) and he doesn't need me as much as he once did.
Brody is already exhibiting signs of being able to do things for himself. About a month ago, I reported that he was already trying to hold his bottle, tonight, he held his bottle for the entire time. After letting him feed himself with some assistance from me I was feeling a bit sad and proud at the same time. Then he did something that brought tears to my eyes.
I placed him in his crib after his bottle. He was tired but still awake. So I sat back and watched him put himself to sleep. All of a sudden he dropped his pacifier. Now I've seen other kids at daycare do this and it brings instant tears. But Brody? Nah, he doesn't cry. But he didn't fuss either. What did he do? Tried to get the paci back!
First he rolls onto his side to get his mouth closer to the pacifier. He tried to grab it with his mouth. But his weight shifted and he was on his back again. After two more attempts at this he still wasn't giving up and still hadn't cried for help. He remembered he has two hands that can grab things now. So he picks up his paci and brings it to his mouth. However, he grabbed the part of it that goes in his mouth. Now he's trying to put something in his mouth that just doesn't feel right. Now does he cry for help? Nope, he just happily sucks on the part of the pacifier that you're supposed to hold onto. That's when I step in and fix it for him.
I had to admire how much he's already showing signs of strength and determination. He already has an "I can do it!" attitude. While I do hope this continues into his childhood and I do think self-sufficiency is a good trait to have, but it is sad to not have him need me as much.
Then I look back and remember that he still hasn't figured out how to put his bottle in his mouth. At least I'm good for something!
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