Fruit pictures and baby details are courtesy of thebump.com
Weekly Checklist:
How far along? 18 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Last weekend's shopping spree was a success. I got 3 pairs of pants, a pair of capris and a shirt for like $70. Gotta love Kohl's discounts!! So this week i've worn maternity pants everyday except one. It's very comfortable.
Sleep: I'm still very tired all the time, but I found out this week that it might not be the pregnancy. Since becoming pregnant, the Dr discovered that I my thyroid isn't producing enough hormones (hypothyroidism -- I think). This can cause tiredness. I've been on medicine for it, but apparently it wasn't strong enough and he increased my dosage. So I'm hoping that works and I get a few weeks of energy!
Food Cravings: Nothing big this week. I am starting to get back to liking healthier food again, which is good. I had a dream last night about eating an orange...maybe that means I need to increase my fruits
Labor Signs: none What I miss: Sleeping on my back
What I am looking forward to: Vacation!! We're headed to Michigan next week with my Dad, Step-Mom, Sister, 4 step-sisters & step-sister's boyfriend. Come to think of it, this year women will outnumber men on this trip 7-3. It's usually a fun time & very nice to relax. It's not quite baby-related but hey, the little one needs a vacation too! I'm even more excited that next year we'll be bringing him or her on the trip with us.
Weekly Wisdom: As a pregnant woman, I should not be allowed to go to the grocery store by myself. For instance, I stopped Monday night to pick up chocolate milk and bagels/cream cheese. As I walked through the store looking for these items, I became easily side tracked. Oatmeal creme pies? In the cart... Ice cream? Sure, then I won't go to Culver's this week! Chocolate Covered Cheesecake -- on a stick? Why not? At least I didn't forget the milk and bagels. :)
Milestones: Nothing noteworthy. Though I do feel like I'm starting to look like I have a small baby bump. Jason tells me it's definitely a bump, but when I'm in public I think people look at me and think "Pregnant or fat?" Oh well! It will come soon enough.
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