Fruit pictures and baby details are courtesy of thebump.com
Baby: "Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints." -Thebump.com
Weekly Checklist:
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 lbs
Maternity Clothes: are expensive! Oh wait, I'm also cheap. It's hard to spend money on something I'm only going to wear for 23 more weeks (or so). I know I can keep them for the next time I'm pregnant, so I'm trying to stick to basics. Hopefully there will be some good stuff at Kohl's this weekend. Right now I own a pair of jeans, a pair of black pants and a couple maternity shirts. Most of my shirts right now work fine but I am in definite need for more pants.
Sleep: I think my tiredness is getting better, but I am still not up to full energy levels. Not even close to that "2nd Trimester energy boost" I kept hearing about. I'm calling it a myth at this point...
Food Cravings: This week I took Spaghetti O's to work for lunch. While I have been known to eat this childish treat pre-pregnancy, I've definitely never taken it to work! But it was good and I have no problems eating like a 6 year-old. On that note...I must remember to pick up chocolate milk. :)
Labor Signs: none
What I miss: Starbucks.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if this little one is a boy or girl!! I was secretly hoping that we'd get to schedule our next ultrasound before 20 weeks, but that didn't happen. Sept 1st is our appointment and I really hope he/she cooperates!!
Weekly Wisdom: Each day our baby grows healthy is a blessing. I've read too many stories this week online of women who have lost or might lose their baby in the 17-20 week timeframe. My heart goes out to these women and I thank god that this pregnancy has been as uneventful and healthy as it has.
Milestones: I might have felt the baby last night. It felt like a little tap inside my stomach and it happened twice in a row. Now of course at this point it could've been gas but since I didn't feel anything else the rest of the night, I think it might have been the baby! We'll see as time progresses.
*On a side note...our baby is off to his/her second concert in-utero tomorrow night. We're hoping to turn this one into a music lover! Hopefully he/she also appreciates the yummy (and very bad for you) State Fair food that I plan on indulging in!
Squeal!!! You *may* have felt your baby - yay! :)
Absolutely AMAZING!!! I can just picture you laying on the couch feeling your stomach constantly trying to find him/her. Definitely a milestone!
I laughed about the speghetti o's and to close it off with the chocolate milk. You're hilarious!
Let me know EXACTLY what you were doing when you got the baby to 'kick' so that I can duplicate the next time I see you. Oh, and be prepared for some major tummy groping from me. :)
Katie- you were groping my tummy before there was a tummy! So I'm always prepared. :)
BTW - you can't feel him/her kick on the outside yet, I can just feel it.
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