Tuesday, September 11, 2012

6 years and counting

Continuing to look back on the couple months I didn't post...

Jason and I celebrated 6 years together on August 11th.  It's amazing how it feels like just yesterday that we got married but at the same time, I feel like he's always been in my life.  Considering I've known him for 14 of my 29 years of life, it makes sense.  He's been one of my best friends for a very long time.

Celebrating 6 years wasn't very eventful for us, we spent the day before our anniversary at the State Fair for typical fair stuff & a Barenaked Ladies concert that night (my favorite band of all time). 

I look back on this year though and think that it was probably one of the more challenging years for us.  We're no strangers to life-stresses (both good and bad).  When I look back at what we've gone through together, just as a married couple, it's a lot.  We've lived in 3 states, moved 5 times, bought 3 houses, sold 2 houses, adopted 2 dogs and had a baby.  We've lost a friend and a few family members.  We've supported each other through several job changes, career changes and the stresses that go along with job promotions. 

This year, even though it seems like it would have been a piece of cake (no moves, no big purchases), had it's challenges.  A lot of changes at Jason's work, a job change for myself full of high-expectations combined with the beginning of pregnancy with a 2 year-old requiring a lot more patience, along with all the other craziness, we've had to adopt our styles and learn even more about each other.  No matter what we go through, I feel that we're constantly growing as a couple even as we grow as a family.  As cheesy as it sounds, I know I can get through anything with him by my side.  *even if I am a cranky, hormonal pregnant woman*

I say all of this, as we're about to embark on life with TWO children.  Yep I said it, we're going to have TWO kids to look after.  No more two parents > 1 child.  We will have to split up, we will have to learn the style of another baby and learn to communicate even more.  Does this scare me to death?  Yes!  But again, I'm lucky to have someone by my side through it...and if all else fails, we'll ship them off to their Grandparents.  :)

Some of the more fun things that happened in our 6th year of marriage?  We traveled to the same country we honeymooned at to see two great friends get married there.  Jason turned 30! (I think that's fun, he thinks it's the end of the world) We also took trips to Orlando and New York City.  We watched our little boy turn 2.  Our favorite baseball team won the NLDS and we were able to see a game.  The biggest event this year was obviously finding out that we were expecting our second little man.  And as we embark on our 7th year of marriage, I guarantee there will be no 7-year-itch.  We're in it for the long-haul.

My favorite song as of late:

"Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts. 
We got yeah we got a lot at stake
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not and who I am.
I won't give up on us even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love" - Jason Mraz

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