Yes, I'm aware I look HUGE!
Total weight gain/loss: Up 3 1/2 lbs in a week, really weird. See dr appt update below for more...
Maternity clothes: Did you know that some maternity clothes don't even last the full 9 months? I have a few shirts that are now too short. Annoying!! (Plus it's really sad when you're so big your maternity clothes don't fit - ha!)
Sleep: I consider it a success when I can sleep straight until 5am. Soon enough I'll be begging to sleep for at least 4 hours, so despite the pain I wake up in, I'm trying to enjoy sleep as much as possible.
Best moment this week: When Brody told Jason he doesn't want to be a big brother - he wants to be a big sister! I love that kid.
Food cravings: I'm officially giving up dairy (obvious sources: cheese, milk, yogurt etc) to prep for breastfeeding. Aedan is higher risk for milk intolerance since Brody had dairy issues his first year. I'm trying to give us the best opportunity for successful breastfeeding by cutting dairy out of my diet, so we'll see how it goes. So in the last week, I've been eating a few extra bowls of custard.
Labor Signs: Nada
What I miss: Being able to snuggle with my boys. For starters, Brody hasn't realized that my lap dissapeared. So during bed time he just scoots back more and more squishing my stomach. Then Jason attempted to give me a "side-hug" because my belly gets in the way. I just want normal snuggles!!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little man. Can't wait to see his personality, if he looks exactly like Brody and how big he's going to be. So excited.
Milestones: Just another week closer!
Differences between 1&2: Preparing for labor was a little easier the first time because aside from worrying about someone swinging by to take care of the dogs, it was easy to go to the hospital when it was time. This time, we have to worry about Brody. So there are a lot of, what happens if it's in the middle of the night? during the day? on the weekend? Lots of contingency planning necessary.
38w Dr Appt
Weight: + 3.5lbs
Blood Pressure: 128/70
Heartbeat: Good - don't know the exact number
Fundal Height: For some reason he hasn't been measuring my stomach, but I keep forgetting to ask him if he should.
Labor Progress: "1 & long" as the OB put it. 1 cm dilated, but still very high and not effaced at all. All of this is totally fine with me, I have two weeks to go. I'm actually just really really excited to be 1cm even though it means absolutely nothing. I wasn't dialated at all with Brody, even after over 24 hours of contractions. So the idea that my body actually got started a little earlier this time, makes me feel better about my ability to go into labor on my own again.
Questions: So we've talked the last few appointments about the crazy headaches I've been having. I'm not new to migraines, but I've had more over the last few weeks than the rest of my pregnancy. Since headaches can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, he's been keeping an eye on my blood pressure. Even though it's high for me (I'm normally a 115/60ish person), it's still very much within normal range. But then this week, when he saw my weight spike (likely due to bloating), he sounded a little more concerned. He just told me to call if my headaches get bad enough / if I feel weird sensation where things "just don't feel right." Don't know exactly what that means, but we'll see.
He sounds very open to inducing me if at any point I want him to, however, I'd really like to go into labor on my own, so I am hoping everything stays healthy enough to do that. In the meantime, I may be eating a few extra spicy foods to see if I can prod him out on his own. :)
Blood Pressure: 128/70
Heartbeat: Good - don't know the exact number
Fundal Height: For some reason he hasn't been measuring my stomach, but I keep forgetting to ask him if he should.
Labor Progress: "1 & long" as the OB put it. 1 cm dilated, but still very high and not effaced at all. All of this is totally fine with me, I have two weeks to go. I'm actually just really really excited to be 1cm even though it means absolutely nothing. I wasn't dialated at all with Brody, even after over 24 hours of contractions. So the idea that my body actually got started a little earlier this time, makes me feel better about my ability to go into labor on my own again.
Questions: So we've talked the last few appointments about the crazy headaches I've been having. I'm not new to migraines, but I've had more over the last few weeks than the rest of my pregnancy. Since headaches can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, he's been keeping an eye on my blood pressure. Even though it's high for me (I'm normally a 115/60ish person), it's still very much within normal range. But then this week, when he saw my weight spike (likely due to bloating), he sounded a little more concerned. He just told me to call if my headaches get bad enough / if I feel weird sensation where things "just don't feel right." Don't know exactly what that means, but we'll see.
He sounds very open to inducing me if at any point I want him to, however, I'd really like to go into labor on my own, so I am hoping everything stays healthy enough to do that. In the meantime, I may be eating a few extra spicy foods to see if I can prod him out on his own. :)
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