First, the routine stuff:
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure - will find out at Dr appt tomorrow
Maternity clothes: Running out of options, hopefully only a week left of work to worry about it!
Sleep: Trying to get as much as I can!
Best moment this week: Finally feeling ready
Food cravings: Trying to eat what I can at this point that doesn't have too much dairy in it.
Labor Signs: Lots of random contractions, but nothing that means anything.
What I miss: Currently, it's milk! And it's only been a week! Hoping once we see how Aedan is doing I can phase in some milk here and there without affecting him. But we'll see.
What I am looking forward to: Tiny baby feet, baby toes, baby hands.
Milestones: 39 weeks down!Differences between 1&2: No matter how many times you go through this, every pregnancy is different. I never felt contractions with Brody until I was in labor. Now, I feel them all the time. I know they're not the real-deal because they don't stick around. But it's really annoying wondering all the time if it's going to turn into anything. I think I'd rather go back to being naive. :P
Reflecting back on the last 39 weeks:
Last time, I did a post of all the things I'll miss about being pregnant and the things I'll be glad to leave behind. So I thought I would do the same.
What I'll miss
1. Life with one child. Nap-time at our house is (usually) a time to get things done, read a book, take a nap etc. Now, I won't have that luxury, until we can get them both on the same nap schedule at least.
2. Ability to gain weight without concern. Ice cream for dessert? Why not! 2 brownies instead of 1? Sure! Of course since I've been on a slower weight gain than last time, I've been even easier on myself these last few weeks...
3. The kicks. I love the bond that I have with Aedan right now. It's just the two of us and feeling him move around is a great feeling. Even when it hurts.
What I'm happy to leave behind
I think I've said before that I believe this will be my last pregnancy. Jason thinks we're done having kids, I am undecided, but I know either way, if there is another child, it will be one that we give a loving home to that doesn't currently have one. While I always reserve the right to change my mind, I don't believe I'll birth anymore children. So, you'd think I'd be a little sad to end this chapter in my life...
Honestly? Not too much.
1. I'm excited to get my body back. Breastfeeding will present certain challenges, and I will always continue to sacrifice if necessary (like giving up dairy), but for the most part, I will start to feel like myself again. I can drink more caffeine, consider a glass of wine, and fit into smaller spaces.
2. Putting on non-maternity clothes. I can't wait to get into my cute fall sweaters and real jeans (though I know I won't be in jeans right away!) There's also a couple cute shirts I've bought while pregnant that I'm excited to be able to wear for the first time.
3. Stress of work. Though it's only for 12 weeks, I'm hoping to disconnect as much as possible and enjoy the time with my boys. Then, when I return, I'll at least be able to function a little better at work (even sleep deprived, I can bulk up on caffeine & won't have shooting sciatic pain from sitting at my desk too long!)
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