Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brody is 12 weeks old

Brody's last week home with his mommy is officially over. It was great to be home with him for 12 weeks even thought it flew by. The next time we will probably get this much time together will be when his little brother or sister arrives (MANY years from now!)

Brody is still growing like crazy and I think this week he's started to enter into the 3 month growth spurt. All of a sudden his 5oz bottles aren't enough for him. This is either due to a growth spurt or he's still recovering from his pedialyte diet. Last week due to more digestion issues, we had to reduce the formula he was receiving and supplement with pedialyte. We were giving his stomach a rest until his stools went back to normal. Of course he was hungry after several days of this. Now he's back to normal and receiving full bottles. But I think he'll be moving up the amount of ounces he'll be eating each day.

This past week Brody has started grabbing things more, including my necklaces, sweatshirt strings and toys. He just discovered the mobile in his swing and started reaching for it. He also has a new toy called a Bumbo that helps him work on his muscle strength. His head control is good so he's able to sit in it pretty good. However, he'll be using it for only short periods of time until he can hold up his head just a little better.

Over the last week Brody's had a few adventures. Last Friday we went to dinner with our friends Tina and Mark and their little girl Aubrie. Aubrie is 3 months older than Brody so it's great to see the differences that they go through in such a short time period. Aubrie is sitting up great and a lot more active than Brody. She is playing with toys and reaches for items with ease. Brody is just now figuring out what toys are. We took some adorable pictures of the two of them together.
This week we also took a trip up to Madison to see our nephew play in a basketball tournament. The noise during the game didn't seem to upset Brody at all. I thought it might be a little much since he was startled during his first Brewers game but he was great. He didn't flinch until the last second of the game when J.J's team won by a game winning shot! Of course the crowd was cheering like crazy! He still didn't cry, just tensed up a bit. Then we took advantage of the drive to Madison and Brody & I spent the rest of the day with my friend Katie and her adorable German Shephard Mika. Brody and Mika bonded over shared pacifiers and cute kisses.


Katie Grigg said...

Shared kisses? Is that what you call it when Mika licks the inside of Brody's mouth? yuck. Oh, and sorry again that Mika wanted to chew on the pacifier herself. Looking back, we weren't very good hosts....

Kellie said...

oh stop! you were great hosts. Ben licks Brody all the time. They're just dogs. :)

Tina said...

Yay for all the cute pics! :)