Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Brody is 5 weeks old
I posted yesterday about Brody's adventures at 1 month old, so there isn't too much to add with this post. Instead I'll just show off pictures of my adorable little boy (not that I am biased or anything)

Venti please!
I've found the secret to success in surviving the first couple months of mommyhood: Venti White Chocolate Mocha. Ahh, the days I make a trip through my favortie drive-thru I feel on top of the world!
Of course after the caffeine high and no nap, I'm ready to crash by 8pm.
Of course after the caffeine high and no nap, I'm ready to crash by 8pm.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Brody's 1 month "birthday" & 1 month doctor appt
Brody turned one month over the weekend, and I didn't do a good job blogging about it, so I am going to combine it with a post about his 1 month pediatrician appointment.
I can't believe he's 1 month already. He's growing extremely fast (already more than 10lbs) and changing everyday. He's a lot more alert and awake more often. We play together everyday usually just by playing on his playmat, talking to him and making funny faces. He's still taking in the world around him so he's always looking around facinated with everything. He loves bright lights and will often stare out a window or up at the ceiling lights. He's growing out of some of his 0-3 month clothes (Gerber brand sizes run very small) and is already into size 1 diapers. Below is a picture of J holding him up to his growth chart which starts at 2 feet. He's not quite there yet, but getting close!
The doctor examined him and said everything looked good. We talked through the many questions I had so I left feeling great about his health.
First, we talked about the blood in his diaper. It lingered for a couple days after his appointment last week but appears to be gone. Since I'm now planning to start formula feeding more frequently, we talked about whether or not I should stick with the soy version that we started last week. He said that we should stick with the same formula for at least a month and make sure that the blood doesn't reappear. Then down the road if we want to try a milk-based formula again, we'll talk about it.
The other big item I was worried about is his fussiness after he eats. I am not sure if it is typical gassiness or if he has something else wrong (reflux can occur in babies). He said though it could be reflux, before he prescribes medicine he thinks we should give it some time and see if it gets better. He said that as his muscles become stronger it may just resolve itself. He recommended gas drops and to just call if it gets worse.
Also, since he seems to have trouble falling asleep at night when we lay him flat on his back, I asked about a sleep positioner which will prop him up a bit on an incline. Our doc said to definitely go ahead and use one if it works. He used one with his daughter and loved it. So maybe that will help get Brody back to sleep better at night.
Then Brody needed to get his second round of the hepatitis B shot. He handled it like a pro! The nurse gave him the shot and he didn't even flinch. Then after she was done, all of a sudden he got this look on his face like, "what the heck just happened?!?" and cried for about 10 seconds. Then he was calm and happy again. Let's hope he handles the 2 month shots just as well!
First, we talked about the blood in his diaper. It lingered for a couple days after his appointment last week but appears to be gone. Since I'm now planning to start formula feeding more frequently, we talked about whether or not I should stick with the soy version that we started last week. He said that we should stick with the same formula for at least a month and make sure that the blood doesn't reappear. Then down the road if we want to try a milk-based formula again, we'll talk about it.
The other big item I was worried about is his fussiness after he eats. I am not sure if it is typical gassiness or if he has something else wrong (reflux can occur in babies). He said though it could be reflux, before he prescribes medicine he thinks we should give it some time and see if it gets better. He said that as his muscles become stronger it may just resolve itself. He recommended gas drops and to just call if it gets worse.
Also, since he seems to have trouble falling asleep at night when we lay him flat on his back, I asked about a sleep positioner which will prop him up a bit on an incline. Our doc said to definitely go ahead and use one if it works. He used one with his daughter and loved it. So maybe that will help get Brody back to sleep better at night.
Then Brody needed to get his second round of the hepatitis B shot. He handled it like a pro! The nurse gave him the shot and he didn't even flinch. Then after she was done, all of a sudden he got this look on his face like, "what the heck just happened?!?" and cried for about 10 seconds. Then he was calm and happy again. Let's hope he handles the 2 month shots just as well!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Breastfeeding woes
This blog is meant to be about Brody and the path to his arrival. However, since he's eats 8-12 times a day, breastfeeding has been consuming both his life and mine for the last 4 weeks. It's been a very difficult road for us and therefore seems fitting to write about it here.
Today, you'll hear from nurses, doctors, birthing class teachers and almost any book you read : Breastfeeding is the best for babies. There are a ton of benefits from breastfeeding and obviously I want to give my son the best start in life. So from the beginning I expected to breastfeed for at least 6 months.
However, for something that is supposed to be so natural (formula wasn't always around), it doesn't come naturally to everyone. For a variety of reasons, it was very difficult for me to breastfeed. Not only was it painful, but it became both physically and emotionally draining for me. To be completely honest, there were a couple nights where I cried while holding him due to the stress. (As a bit of background, I've never done well on lack of sleep - tears come easy when I'm sleep deprived)
Since Brody wasn't gaining weight as quickly as they wanted, I continued to breastfeed until he was back to his birthweight. At 3 weeks I decided to switch to exclusively pumping. I no longer nurse, but I feed Brody pumped breast milk in a bottle instead. He's still getting the benefit of breastmilk and I get to keep my sanity. There haven't been any tears since. Plus in the first week of pumping, he gained almost a pound. Obviously we're doing something right!
However, exclusively pumping isn't a picnic either. Not only do I spend 20 minutes feeding Brody a bottle, then I spend another 20 minutes or so pumping. Plus he's eating more than I can pump for him, so we are giving him one bottle of formula once a day.
I'm honestly not sure how long I can keep up the pumping schedule, but I'm taking it a day at a time. Even if "breast is best," I do believe that formula is not poison and I know a ton of smart, healthy adults that were fed formula as a baby. So stay tuned...
Today, you'll hear from nurses, doctors, birthing class teachers and almost any book you read : Breastfeeding is the best for babies. There are a ton of benefits from breastfeeding and obviously I want to give my son the best start in life. So from the beginning I expected to breastfeed for at least 6 months.
However, for something that is supposed to be so natural (formula wasn't always around), it doesn't come naturally to everyone. For a variety of reasons, it was very difficult for me to breastfeed. Not only was it painful, but it became both physically and emotionally draining for me. To be completely honest, there were a couple nights where I cried while holding him due to the stress. (As a bit of background, I've never done well on lack of sleep - tears come easy when I'm sleep deprived)
Since Brody wasn't gaining weight as quickly as they wanted, I continued to breastfeed until he was back to his birthweight. At 3 weeks I decided to switch to exclusively pumping. I no longer nurse, but I feed Brody pumped breast milk in a bottle instead. He's still getting the benefit of breastmilk and I get to keep my sanity. There haven't been any tears since. Plus in the first week of pumping, he gained almost a pound. Obviously we're doing something right!
However, exclusively pumping isn't a picnic either. Not only do I spend 20 minutes feeding Brody a bottle, then I spend another 20 minutes or so pumping. Plus he's eating more than I can pump for him, so we are giving him one bottle of formula once a day.
I'm honestly not sure how long I can keep up the pumping schedule, but I'm taking it a day at a time. Even if "breast is best," I do believe that formula is not poison and I know a ton of smart, healthy adults that were fed formula as a baby. So stay tuned...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Brody is 4 weeks
Brody is 4 weeks old today! He's growing fast and as of yesterday is almost 1lb bigger than his birth weight. Since he lost weight after birth, the 12oz weight gain happened in only 8 days. He's definitely growing fast.
This week Brody has become more alert and started getting into a bit more of a night/day routine. He's still unpredictable, but that should be expected. Some nights he will go 4-5 hours between feedings, giving mommy a bit more sleep.
We also bought him a playmat this week and he's been getting in some good tummy time to strengthen his neck muscles. He seems to like the brightly colored toys and the mirror. His eyesight is developing as well and he can follow objects in front of him. He will turn his head or his eyes to follow one of us as we walk back and forth. He's also making a lot more eye contact, which is adorable!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Brody's first unscheduled doctor appointment
As a new mom, I've already called the pediatrician a few times in Brody's short 4 weeks of life. However, my concerns this week resulted in a trip to the doctor to get him checked out. Best part of the visit is that we learned that he's now up to 9lbs 10oz!! He's definitely gaining a good amount of weight.
(You can stop reading now if you're not interested in hearing about baby poop)
Over the weekend I noticed a couple of Brody's diapers had blood in them. Now of course this worried me a bit. But I decided to at least wait until he had another bloody diaper on Monday to call the doc. When he didn't poop all day Monday, I decided to call anyway (he normally poops 5-6 times a day). They told me that it probably wasn't anything to worry too much about and just call back if he has another one. Well when he finally pooped again, there was a tiny bit of red in it, so I decided to call back. The nurse told me to come in on Tuesday. I had done some research (courtesy of google) and found that blood in his stools can be a sign of a dairy protein allergy.
A dairy allergy has been something I've been worried about, since I was allergic to milk protein as a baby. We gave Brody formula a couple times over the weekend (a story for another day, but the formula was because I haven't been keeping up with Brody's demand with pumped breast milk). Both breastfed babies and formula fed babies can have milk protein allergies, but since non-fat milk is the first ingredient in formula, I was worried that it was causing him problems.
So today we went in to see our really great pediatrician. He looked Brody over and showed us some small tears on his butt that was probably causing the blood. He did say that another reason there could be blood is a dairy protein allergy, but it likely wasn't the cause in his case. Even though he doesn't think that Brody has an allergy, he gave us a sample of soy formula so that when we do supplement, we can use soy instead of milk based formula.
We have his one month appointment next week, so we'll check on his progress then. If the blood doesn't get worse, it's likely just the tears and not an allergy.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Things I never thought I'd say or do until I became a Mom
I know this list will continue to expand as Brody grows older, but here's what I've found myself doing/saying so far:
-I never realized how much I'd miss taking a shower regularly (and taking one longer than 3 minutes)
-I've never been so excited to have time to clean the house
-I never thought I'd wake a sleeping baby
-I never thought I'd be able to survive on only 2 hours of consecutive sleep at a time for 2 1/2 weeks straight
-I never thought that the most frequent topic of conversation in our house would be breastfeeding
-I never realized I could fall even more in love with my husband
-I never realized how much I'd miss taking a shower regularly (and taking one longer than 3 minutes)
-I've never been so excited to have time to clean the house
-I never thought I'd wake a sleeping baby
-I never thought I'd be able to survive on only 2 hours of consecutive sleep at a time for 2 1/2 weeks straight
-I never thought that the most frequent topic of conversation in our house would be breastfeeding
-I never realized I could fall even more in love with my husband
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Brody is 3 weeks today!
Another week has flown by. Brody's biggest acheivement this week was gaining back his birth weight. As of Monday he was back up to 8lbs 14oz. The best part about this milestone is that the pediatrician said we can stop waking him every 2-3 hours to eat. Now we let him tell us when he's hungry. So far, he's slept for 4-5 hours in a row Monday & Tuesday nights! I'm not expecting this trend to continue, but the extra sleep has been nice!
He is still too young to really have a routine but he seems to have developed a pattern. Every other day he's awake and fussy most of the day. The days in between, he sleeps like crazy. Yesterday was a fussy day and so far today he's been pretty sleepy.
Other adventures this week included going out to dinner twice and going to the mall again. We also had some visitors over the weekend, where Brody met his Aunt Karen & Uncle Chris (Karen is one of my best friends & her husband Chris). He also was fed for the first time by someone other than Jason or me. J's best friend Todd fed him a bottle, which was also his first time feeding a baby. It was adorable.
He is still too young to really have a routine but he seems to have developed a pattern. Every other day he's awake and fussy most of the day. The days in between, he sleeps like crazy. Yesterday was a fussy day and so far today he's been pretty sleepy.
Other adventures this week included going out to dinner twice and going to the mall again. We also had some visitors over the weekend, where Brody met his Aunt Karen & Uncle Chris (Karen is one of my best friends & her husband Chris). He also was fed for the first time by someone other than Jason or me. J's best friend Todd fed him a bottle, which was also his first time feeding a baby. It was adorable.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The many faces of Brody
Monday, February 8, 2010
Brody's "First Word"
Jason and I are convinced that Brody has already spoken his first word: "ow."
Every once in awhile after Brody sneezes, he makes this adorable noise that sounds like "ow." It's really cute and the first time we heard it we both swore that is what he was saying.
Last night we had our first non-biased witnesses to this behavior. They agreed with us that is what is sounded like. So I'm officially convinced, at less than 3 weeks old, our genius baby is already talking!
Every once in awhile after Brody sneezes, he makes this adorable noise that sounds like "ow." It's really cute and the first time we heard it we both swore that is what he was saying.
Last night we had our first non-biased witnesses to this behavior. They agreed with us that is what is sounded like. So I'm officially convinced, at less than 3 weeks old, our genius baby is already talking!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Dinner out with a newborn
Our goal for Jason's last week at home was to try to get out of the house a bit each day. Since it was my sister Nicole's birthday on Monday, two of our outings were to celebrate her birthday. One of which required taking Brody out to dinner, by myself.
After spending most of the weeknights feeding Brody for a couple hours straight, by Thursday, I wasn't sure it would be feasible to take him out to dinner. Thursday is Jason's bowling night, so if I was going to go out, I would have to take him myself. Armed with a bottle of pumped milk in a cooler and a diaper bag stuffed with all the newborn necessities, I headed out.
The end result? A baby that slept the entire time! He barely opened his eyes the entire time we were at the restaurant. Taking a baby out to dinner by myself? Piece of cake!
Jason also wanted to take him out one night, so we decided to give it a try again Friday night. He was being a bit fussy before we left, so we figured we'd probably have to make dinner short, but wanted to give it a try anyway. We chose a family friendly restaurant close to home and set out armed with the same items as the night before.
The end result? A baby that slept the entire time! I'm now convinced that the combination of the car ride, the comfort of his carseat and the noise of the restaurant puts him to sleep.
It's still early in his life and he may become more difficult to take out, but so far so good!
After spending most of the weeknights feeding Brody for a couple hours straight, by Thursday, I wasn't sure it would be feasible to take him out to dinner. Thursday is Jason's bowling night, so if I was going to go out, I would have to take him myself. Armed with a bottle of pumped milk in a cooler and a diaper bag stuffed with all the newborn necessities, I headed out.
The end result? A baby that slept the entire time! He barely opened his eyes the entire time we were at the restaurant. Taking a baby out to dinner by myself? Piece of cake!
Jason also wanted to take him out one night, so we decided to give it a try again Friday night. He was being a bit fussy before we left, so we figured we'd probably have to make dinner short, but wanted to give it a try anyway. We chose a family friendly restaurant close to home and set out armed with the same items as the night before.
The end result? A baby that slept the entire time! I'm now convinced that the combination of the car ride, the comfort of his carseat and the noise of the restaurant puts him to sleep.
It's still early in his life and he may become more difficult to take out, but so far so good!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Brody is 2 weeks today
It's hard to believe but Brody is two weeks old already. The last two weeks have flown by and I can hardly believe how quickly he will grow up on me. He's already changed so much from the day we brought him home.
He's doing very well and at his check-up today his weight is up to 8lbs 9.5oz and he's 22.5 inches long. Babies lose weight after their born and ideally will get back their birth weight by two weeks. As you can see, he's not quite back to his 8lb 14oz birth weight, but he's heading in the right direction. He's eating like crazy and I think he'll get his weight up in no time.
We haven't set into a routine schedule yet, but the days fly by between feeding every 2 hours and trying to get a nap in every afternoon. We're now trying to get out of the house once a day, even for a short period. We went to the mall and walked Brody around for awhile on Monday. He really likes his stroller and car rides/walks put him to sleep.
Jason is still off of work and it's fantastic having someone around to help out. Right now Brody is sleeping on his Daddy's chest while I blog. Starting next week I'll definitely have my work cut out for me and will work on my one handed typing!
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