Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brody is 4 weeks

Brody is 4 weeks old today! He's growing fast and as of yesterday is almost 1lb bigger than his birth weight. Since he lost weight after birth, the 12oz weight gain happened in only 8 days. He's definitely growing fast.
This week Brody has become more alert and started getting into a bit more of a night/day routine. He's still unpredictable, but that should be expected. Some nights he will go 4-5 hours between feedings, giving mommy a bit more sleep.

We also bought him a playmat this week and he's been getting in some good tummy time to strengthen his neck muscles. He seems to like the brightly colored toys and the mirror. His eyesight is developing as well and he can follow objects in front of him. He will turn his head or his eyes to follow one of us as we walk back and forth. He's also making a lot more eye contact, which is adorable!

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