Brody turned one month over the weekend, and I didn't do a good job blogging about it, so I am going to combine it with a post about his 1 month pediatrician appointment.
I can't believe he's 1 month already. He's growing extremely fast (already more than 10lbs) and changing everyday. He's a lot more alert and awake more often. We play together everyday usually just by playing on his playmat, talking to him and making funny faces. He's still taking in the world around him so he's always looking around facinated with everything. He loves bright lights and will often stare out a window or up at the ceiling lights. He's growing out of some of his 0-3 month clothes (Gerber brand sizes run very small) and is already into size 1 diapers. Below is a picture of J holding him up to his growth chart which starts at 2 feet. He's not quite there yet, but getting close!
The doctor examined him and said everything looked good. We talked through the many questions I had so I left feeling great about his health.
First, we talked about the blood in his diaper. It lingered for a couple days after his appointment last week but appears to be gone. Since I'm now planning to start formula feeding more frequently, we talked about whether or not I should stick with the soy version that we started last week. He said that we should stick with the same formula for at least a month and make sure that the blood doesn't reappear. Then down the road if we want to try a milk-based formula again, we'll talk about it.
The other big item I was worried about is his fussiness after he eats. I am not sure if it is typical gassiness or if he has something else wrong (reflux can occur in babies). He said though it could be reflux, before he prescribes medicine he thinks we should give it some time and see if it gets better. He said that as his muscles become stronger it may just resolve itself. He recommended gas drops and to just call if it gets worse.
Also, since he seems to have trouble falling asleep at night when we lay him flat on his back, I asked about a sleep positioner which will prop him up a bit on an incline. Our doc said to definitely go ahead and use one if it works. He used one with his daughter and loved it. So maybe that will help get Brody back to sleep better at night.
Then Brody needed to get his second round of the hepatitis B shot. He handled it like a pro! The nurse gave him the shot and he didn't even flinch. Then after she was done, all of a sudden he got this look on his face like, "what the heck just happened?!?" and cried for about 10 seconds. Then he was calm and happy again. Let's hope he handles the 2 month shots just as well!
First, we talked about the blood in his diaper. It lingered for a couple days after his appointment last week but appears to be gone. Since I'm now planning to start formula feeding more frequently, we talked about whether or not I should stick with the soy version that we started last week. He said that we should stick with the same formula for at least a month and make sure that the blood doesn't reappear. Then down the road if we want to try a milk-based formula again, we'll talk about it.
The other big item I was worried about is his fussiness after he eats. I am not sure if it is typical gassiness or if he has something else wrong (reflux can occur in babies). He said though it could be reflux, before he prescribes medicine he thinks we should give it some time and see if it gets better. He said that as his muscles become stronger it may just resolve itself. He recommended gas drops and to just call if it gets worse.
Also, since he seems to have trouble falling asleep at night when we lay him flat on his back, I asked about a sleep positioner which will prop him up a bit on an incline. Our doc said to definitely go ahead and use one if it works. He used one with his daughter and loved it. So maybe that will help get Brody back to sleep better at night.
Then Brody needed to get his second round of the hepatitis B shot. He handled it like a pro! The nurse gave him the shot and he didn't even flinch. Then after she was done, all of a sudden he got this look on his face like, "what the heck just happened?!?" and cried for about 10 seconds. Then he was calm and happy again. Let's hope he handles the 2 month shots just as well!
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