Today was our monthly doctor appointment. I will have monthly appointments until week 28 when they will start biweekly appointments. Today was pretty uneventful, but I always appreciate hearing that everything is going well. Here are the highlights:
They did the standard items: weight, blood pressure and pee in a cup. All were on track. Then the doctor came in to answer questions, listen for the heartbeat and feel my stomach to make sure my uterus is moving up and growing.
This was the second time we heard the heartbeat with the doppler. Last time, he spent some time moving it around to hear it. This time, the second he touched it to my stomach, I could hear the heartbeat. The baby is so much bigger now, it's really easy to find. That was very exciting. He said that everything felt right on track. Basically everything is going by the book!
Then I asked a million questions and here are the answers in case you're interested:
-Does he recommend the Swine Flu Vaccine? Without hesitation, yes. He said the minute they get some he wants everyone in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters to get it. I asked if there was risk to the baby and he said that the virus isn't live and shouldn't hurt it. I still want to make the decision for myself, but since he feels strongly about it, I'll probably be getting it. I've never had a flu shot before, so it will be a first.
-When can I find out the sex of the baby? 4 weeks, the same day as my next monthly appointment. I was sad it wouldn't be sooner, but need to learn to be patient.
-2nd Trimester tests? He recommended the AFP test which was completed today also. They test my blood for neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
-Should I adjust the way I sleep? Yes he recommended I stay off my back as much as possible. Since I've read conflicting opinions on this, I wanted his. He said I could prop my back up with a pillow or sleep on my side. The reason laying flat on my back isn't recommended is that my uterus is now large enough that it can put pressure on blood vessels that can lessen the blood flow to the baby. So I'll be paying a little more attention to that.
-Can I eat honey? J & I were doing the grocery list in the waiting room and he told me to ask if I could eat this. If you read a bottle, it says don't feed to a child under the age of 1, so we figured we should check. He said, just like cheeses, if it's pasteurized/processed then it is safe. Basically I should stay away from fresh honey at a farm.
As silly as it seems, I love my appointments even when they're short. I love hearing my baby's heartbeat and knowing that everything is progressing on schedule. Before you can actually feel the baby it's very easy to worry. So hopefully in the next 4 weeks I'll start feeling the little one more!
Good update! I love how specific your questions are, since I bet I will be the same way one day. Does your doc ever seem impressed with your thoroughness?
That's awesome that you guys are asking about things such as honey :) I can only imagine how amazing it is to hear the heartbeat each time and watching him/her grow. I can't wait to hear about the sex...then I can start buying baby clothes!!!! YAY!!!
I found your blog to be extremely helpful. I am now 16 weeks and have my ob/gyn appointment tomorrow and just like you I look forward to all my visits. I was thinking i'd be able to find out tomorrow the sex of the baby but I guess I'm going to be told the same thing. Once again, thank you so much for your info!!
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