Fruit pictures and baby details are courtesy of thebump.com
Baby: Now the size of an avocado! Tiny bones are forming in my baby's ears which means S/He can pick up my voice. Guess I better watch my language! Other changes include: eyelashes, eyebrows and hair are filling in along with forming taste buds.
Weekly Checklist:
How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still need some...maybe this weekend
Sleep: Still tired...constantly
Food Cravings: I've returned to a gross habit from my stint of working at McDonald's. BBQ sauce & mayo mixed together...makes a great dip for french fries! I know it's gross and J hates it. But suddenly it sounded good again!
Labor Signs: none
What I miss: A clean house! Maybe if my energy ever returns I can go back to at least maintaining a picked up house!
What I am looking forward to: actually getting a baby bump. So I actually look pregnant and not just chubby.
Weekly Wisdom: Maternity clothes are my friend. I need more clothes, but wearing regular clothes is just uncomfortable at this point.
Milestones: Gaining weight! I am confident that this is the LAST time I will say that. But since I'm 16 weeks into this, I was starting to feel like I'm depriving my baby. Yes, I'm aware that sound irrational & I should be happy I hadn't gained weight. But I am irrational sometimes and I looked like I gained weight though I hadn't.
I should tell you what someone (actually!) said to me at week 16...it was not good...
Glad everything went well this week! :)
And make J clean up the house!
I'm curious now, you'll have to tell me what they said...
Ditto Tlo, spill the beans!
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