He dropped to 9lbs by the time we left the hospital (from 9.5) and then was down to 8lbs 13.5oz by 4 days old. I'm constantly worried about the weight loss, since Brody was a slow gainer. But the pediatrician didn't seem nearly as worried this time, since Aedan only lost about 7% of his weight, where as Brody lost more like 11% of his birth weight. So, if doctor isn't worried, I'm trying not to worry.
So far, his interests include: eating, sleeping, peeing on his parents, and pooping on the changing table. It's a very exciting life around here.
I can honestly say, I don't feel like I gave birth 7 days ago. I actually feel pretty good. Sleep-deprived, but good. My post-birth experience with Brody was less than stellar. I had a lot more pain and had a few days I could do nothing but feed Brody. I feel very very lucky that things are going better this time. I had no idea how I would handle a two-year old and a baby when I could barely take care of myself. Thank god I don't need to figure that out. Jason has been super helpful in allowing me to still take it easy (I'm not up and running quite yet...), but hasn't had to take on all of the burden. He only got a week off of work this time instead of 2 1/2, so I'm officially on my own anyway.
I also knew that I would need to ease into the transition of two kids, so we've taken it slow. My first week home, Jason was also home and Brody was in daycare during the day. For the next 3-4 weeks Brody will continue going to daycare, allowing bonding time with Aedan and Brody to still get his energy out. I'm hoping by 4-5 weeks old, Aedan will be a little more predictable, allowing the three of us to get out and do more during the day. I know Brody will miss going to daycare every day, but it will save us money, while hopefully I can keep him entertained at home as well. (Anyone with suggestions of things to do during the day with little ones - send them my way!) Luckily we have a good Children's museum and at least for awhile the weather nice enough to go to the zoo. Keep your fingers crossed that Aedan starts sleeping through the night as early as Brody did! (I hope I didn't just jinx myself...)
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