Friday I had my 39 week appointment. I found out sometime back that my OB was going to be on vacation this week, so even though I really want Aedan to join us, I am glad he didn't make his appearance while my OB was out. So my appointment on Friday was with the OB that was on-call over the weekend, in case I ended up going into labor.
Weight: Down 3.5lbs - yep, I lost exactly the amount I "gained" the week before. It looks like I was really just retaining a ton of water. So officially only up 27 lbs in 39 weeks. I'm happy with that.
Blood Pressure: 110/60 - also back to a normal amount for me. I'm a lot less worried about showing signs of pre-eclampsia now!
Heartbeat: Good - 140ish
Fundal Height: Fill-in OB actually measured me, she didn't tell me what it was, just that it was fine.
Labor Progress: I woke up with severe but sporadic contractions Friday morning. Since I never had any contractions before I was in labor with Brody, I assumed that this was it! I figured it had to send me into labor within the next 24 hours or so...right?!? WRONG! (Anyone ever heard of false labor? ugh.)
So at my appointment I told her about the contractions and she checked progress. I was lower than last week, but still only about a cm. Apparently my contractions weren't doing much. Oh yeah, and it's now Tuesday and I'm still pregnant.
Questions: I was also worried about how to tell if I'm leaking amniotic fluid or if I am just showing signs of dialation. She did a quick check to make sure everything was still in tact, and reassured me that it was just my body progressing and nothing else to worry about. So that was good news!
Then she just told me that if the contractions get closer together or stronger to come in and get checked again that afternoon. Also reassured me that she's on-call all weekend, but she won't be offended if Aedan decided to hang out and wait for my regular OB. :)
So obviously nothing happened. The contractions eventually fizzled out. Then started up again Friday night continued on and off until Monday night. But they're pretty much the definitely of "false-labor." They are all over the board for timing and never get stronger. Some are pretty strong (wake me from dead-sleep) and then the next one will be weaker.
So, I am still predicting that Aedan will follow his big brother's lead and keep his Mama waiting...impatiently waiting.
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