How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Looks like I'm up 14 total as of my last dr appointment.
Maternity clothes: Lovin' my new Brewers maternity shirt. Though, they only make one, so every pregnant woman at the ballpark is always wearing the same thing. But it will come in handy during the next bazillion games we have tickets to this summer.
Sleep: Some nights sleep is better than others.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Jason's birthday this weekend with friends. I actually didn't mind being the only one there not drinking! Luckily the ladies are pretty good at staying sober since the boys were having a lot of fun.
cravings: Due to a book I was reading this week, I've been craving fried chicken for a few days. Totally random.
Gender: Boy oh
Labor Signs: Nope
What I
miss: Caffeine. Not that I've given it up (haha!), but I definitely cut down. Unfortunately I have a very bad habit of using it as a crutch when I lack sleep or go through stressful-times at work. But my crutch is gone, and now I'm just tired...
What I am looking forward to: meeting my little boy. I know I have a long time still, and I want him to bake as long as possible. But watching Brody grow more and more every day into a hilarious little two-year-old makes me so excited to see what Aedan is going to be like.
No major milestones, but I'm getting closer to 3rd trimester. I can't believe how quickly 2nd tri flew by!
between 1&2: I'm not sure if this is one of those situations where you forget a lot of details of pregnancy after a few years, but Aedan seems a lot more active than Brody was. Brody was pretty active in utero, but Aedan moves a ton. I feel him moving a lot during the day and first thing when I wake up, and even in the middle of the night when I wake up. He doesn't wake me up with his movements, but whenever I'm up in the middle of the night, it seems he is too. That may be a bad sign though...
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