Thursday, April 12, 2012

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2lbs
Maternity clothes?
Sleep: Yes please!  Took naps both days this weekend and it was amazing.  I felt so much better those days when I got the extra sleep.
Best moment this week: Will post about that later...
Food cravings: Nothing exciting.
Gender: TBD - but, stay tuned...
Labor Signs: No.
What I miss: My normal jeans!  I hate maternity jeans.  No matter which ones I buy, they always end up falling down and I'm constantly adjusting them.
What I am looking forward to: Working on the nursery, as well as Brody's big-boy room. 
Milestones: It was a good week.
Differences between 1 & 2:  Honestly this entire pregnancy has been much different than the first one.  That was definitely to be expected, but somethings have surprised me (and made me mad...).  First, one of the best differences, I felt this baby much sooner than with Brody.  There is nothing more reassuring than that flutter of movement, or rolling feeling that just reminds you that there's a little baby in there!  Some of the not-so-great differences: significantly more headaches (migraines completely went away with Brody - not so lucky this time!), more morning sickness and heartburn already!  The thing that surprised me the most is that I've already started having some backaches.  I'm not that big!  It comes with the territory I guess.  I'm just looking forward to the weather warming up again so we can do more walking outside and keep my muscles in shape a little better.

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