So...Brody turns 2 (holy crap!) and we throw a party!
On Brody's actual birthday, I had big plans. I took off work all day, but sent Brody to daycare. I planned to bake/food prep for the party all day, until Brody woke up from his nap. Then I was going to pick him up from daycare, take him to a kids indoor playground and we were going to go out for dinner. But, we live in Wisconsin. And it snowed. And snowed. Most of the day. Jason and I decided to just have Jay pick Brody up from daycare at the normal time and that it didn't make sense for more driving in the snow than necessary. We even stayed in for dinner. I was bummed we couldn't do something more special, but I know Brody didn't care. He was just excited that there were balloons in the house that he could play with.
The next day was the big party. For almost a month beforehand, we told Brody that he was having an "Elmo Birthday Party." It was really fun having him actually understand what a birthday party was and get excited for it. So his next big excitement was that he was going to "eat Elmo." Which was hilarious. I practiced making his birthday cake ahead of time because I was afraid I'd screw it up (I work with numbers for a living, I'm not very creative) so he knew what the Elmo cake looked like. I wouldn't let him eat the practice one, so he was very excited to "eat Elmo."

I made an Elmo cake
Elmo veggie tray
Elmo books and toys as centerpieces
I also made red cake pops as party favors (can NOT believe I forgot to take a picture of them) and we ordered Elmo cupcakes from a local bakery. Brody wore an Elmo shirt with the #2 on it (found on etsy.com)
Brody doesn't quite know how to blow out a candle yet, so his friend Aubrie (she's 3 months older, so clearly much wiser) had to show him how it's done. (Also can NOT believe I don't have a picture of this, she was too cute!!)
He does have eating the cupcake down though!
We ended up with 35ish guests, which was amazing. A ton of our friends were able to make it, and considering many of them don't have kids yet, not to mention 2 year old birthday parties aren't even that exciting when you do have kids, we were very greatful they came. It's always good to get so many people we love in one place!