Sunday, November 6, 2011

Toddler Talk

Conversations with Brody:
Jason: "After we get a haircut, we're going to go to Kohl's"
Brody: "Cole!!!" (Brody's name for Aunt Nicole)
Me: "No Brody, we're going shopping, at Kohl's Department Stores"
Brody: "Cole's!!!"
Me: "Boy, he's going to be pretty dissapointed when he realizes Nicole won't be there and he has to go shopping for Kitchen gadgets..."
Brody: "Ben? Where Ben?" (Ben is one of our chocolate labs)
Me: "Ben is upstairs, Cody is right there" (Cody is our other lab)
Brody: "No, Ben!"
Me: "Is Ben your favorite?"
Brody: "Yes"
Me: "Is that because you can only say 'Ben'? "
Brody: "Yes!"
Me: "Brody, what do you want for breakfast? Waffles?"
Brody: "No! Cereal."
Me: "Oh, you want cereal?"
Brody: "No!!"
Me: "What do you want for breakfast?"
Brody: "Waffles!!"