It's been over a month since I've blogged. So obviously my resolution to blog more often is failing. As for my other three resolutions, I'm 1 for 3. Organizing - I'm made good strides here: updated fridge calendar, coupon organizer, place to put bills and even organized my pictures on our computer.
As for the other two, I haven't lost any weight and a promotion at work in early January hasn't been helping my ability to be home more often. But it's early in the year and at least I'm trying to make an effort on working less & living in the moment more - I swear!
As for our adorable little toddler...
Brody continues to change in front of our eyes everyday. I think I say this about every stage, but I'm really loving all the new skills he's learning.
He's up to using 4 baby-signs to communciate with us (more, all-done, eat and please/help). The last one just recently and he's using the sign "please" but seems to use it mostly when he wants help with something. He understands the sign "drink" but doesn't use it. We, however, use it with or without the word and he understands what we want him to do.
Brody's favorite activities these days are: playing catch with his doggies (although he does get upset when they run off with the ball and don't come back), playing with shape-sorters, dancing and playing with blocks. He giggles constantly and I can't get enough of it.
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