Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Haircut

After dragging my feet for at least a month, I finally booked a hair appointment for Brody. Jason has been bugging me for awhile as Brody's hair got longer and longer. I knew once he no longer had his baby hair then I'd really have to realize that he's growing up!

We booked an appointment with a kids salon, knowing that we'd want someone with experience cutting the hair of a 10 month old. He barely understands the word no, so telling him to hold his head still was out of the question. Obviously, I was a little nervous -- not just about losing his baby hair - but throwing a temper-tantrum in the salon.

The hair place had cars instead of chairs. You could pick anything from a pink Jeep to a blue mini-cooper-type car. We went for the blue one that was open. Each station had it's own TV with a kid movie playing. I imagine this works well for kids that are a little older, but Brody has very little interest in TV, so it didn't help much.

Overall - Brody was a trooper. He didn't get cranky once and he held still very well. Every once and awhile he's turn his head quickly to see something else going on around him. He loves to watch everyone around him, which worked well until they started vacuuming out a seat behind him and he quickly turned his head around mid-cut. In the end though, he hair looks great and it's no longer in his eyes.

But he does look more like a little boy than my baby...



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