Babies grow fast and Brody is no exception. However, I honestly think his biggest month of change occured over the last month. Looking back at my post at 6 months, Brody wasn't crawling or standing and still had zero teeth.
Today, Brody crawls like a pro, pulls himself up on everything and has two very adorable bottom teeth.
His new found talents have made him quite an explorer. He loves all the things he can get into around the house. He's discovered the dog bowls, toys and tries to even steal the bones away from the dogs while they're chewing on them. Luckily he hasn't been bitten yet! We do keep an eye on them but the dogs are pretty good with him. He's constantly falling over and bumping his head on things, but handles them surprisingly well. He came home with his first accident report from daycare when he tried to pull himself up on the shelves and bumped his eye. It was a small bruise that went away in a day.
He's also doing a good job of forming sounds (instead of just squealing) and I think he loves the way his mouth moves when he says "ba-ba."
He's still doing great at daycare and has become really good friends with a girl in the room (his girlfriend). They sit facing each other giggling non-stop and now that they're both on the move, they chase after each other. It's adorable. She's also a tall girl and has a very similar personality to Brody, so it's a natural match!
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