Okay Mom, you've finally won.
When I was little I would always say "that's not fair" in my not-so-cute whiney voice. To that, my mom would said, "life isn't fair." I of course felt the need to argue that point...long into my adult life. I am an eternal optimist. While that hasn't changed and I will still continue to look on the bright side, I've finally come to the conclusion,
Life is NOT fair. Or rather, death isn't.
This past weekend a friend of mine died in a tragic car accident at the age of 27. She had been engaged for less than a month, completely in love and planning her wedding. Her fiancee was in the car with her. Along with two of their friends. All of them were very young and all of them deserved to live much much longer.
Even if you didn't know her, this is clearly unfair.
My heart is broken. It breaks for her family, her fiancee's son and her best friends.
I've known Becky a long time and we've been in the same circles of friends since 5th grade. Ever since this weekend I've been remembering the most random things about her. The glasses she used to wear when we were little, when everyone fought over the same guy in 5th grade, New Years Eve parties at her house in high school and hanging out in the pool at Jason's apartment after our senior year of college. The last few times I saw her our conversations were usually about her fiancee, rings, weddings and usually Jason and I telling her how we couldn't wait until her Jason finally pops the question. She was happy and always had a smile on her face. My very smart and strong husband reflected last night, "I will never forget her smile."
And this brings me back to the beginning of my post. LIFE IS NOT FAIR. I believe in God, I know He has a plan and I hope someday I'll understand it. But for now, I can't help being pissed. I'm mad that she didn't get a chance to walk down the aisle, be married, become a step-mom and possibly have children of her own someday.

The last time we saw Beck. I remember joking with her about how she was standing closer to Jason than I was. They were much closer friends but we will both miss her dearly.
Kellie - just wanted to tell you how sorry I am - for you and their families. How awful and certainly not fair.
Thanks for writing this. It's hard to read but theraputic at the same time. I love all the fun things people are remembering about Beck. I found a picture of one of her New Year's parties the other day. :)
This is a tough one, that's for sure.
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