Monday, May 24, 2010

Brody is 4 months old

Time continues to fly by as Brody is another month older, bigger and smarter.  He's over 14 lbs and around 25-26 inches.  We will know for sure how big he's gotten when he has his four month appointment next week.

He can roll over from tummy to back though its not consistent yet and he still does it more often at daycare than home.  He has rolled from back to tummy but this really involves him turning on his side, which he loves to do, and then accidentally ending up on his tummy.  He's done this in his crib a few times at day-care and buries his face in the mattress.  The teachers know to keep a closer eye on him and they do.

He loves moving and will dance I you hold him in a standing position or be unable to keep his head still.  His favorite pastime is watching other kids, observing facial expressions or just looking around.  This makes it pretty easy to entertain a 4 month old.  Aside from that, he love his Tigger toy.  Its a blanket with a stuffed Rigged head attached.  Of course the thing he loves the most is that he can hold it well enough to stick it in his mouth.  He hasn't truly discovered something new unless he's put it in his mouth.  This includes your fingers, so watch out when he gets his death trip on you!

He also loves mirrors, things that light up, and toys that make a crinkly noise.  He hates getting his nose suctioned.  Since he's been sick with a cold for two weeks and now has a sinus & ear infection, we've been battling over the nose suction for awhile.

He's still a pretty happy boy and smiles at us all the time.  Now that he takes better naps at daycare we get to see his happy face during the week again.  We'll be discussing practicing solids with his pediatrician and getting him ready to start diversifying his diet, though formula will still.provide most of his nutrition for awhile.

We love him more and more each day and I cantnwait o see him develop even more over the next month.  I just hope he doesn't start crawling at 6 mmonths like his teachers keep predicting!  I'm not ready for a mobile child yet, he can stay put!

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