Pregnancy Week 37 to the big day: Your baby is the size of the electric motorin the $110,000 2008 Tesla which can go from 0 to 60 in 3.9 seconds. Sweet.

Weekly Checklist
How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs & hoping it stays that way
Maternity Clothes: Yep, but sweatpants & hoodies are my favorite thing to wear these days.
Sleep: Isn't easy. Luckily I've been off of work for the holidays & able to take naps in the afternoon.
Food Cravings: Nothing exciting
What I miss: Just about everything. I just can't wait to feel like myself again.
What I am looking forward to: Aside from meeting my little boy, I can't wait to take the focus off myself and onto him. For the last several months, I worry about what I eat, what I can lift, whether or not I'm getting enough sleep. Normally I like to be able to do things for myself and not worry about how much I can take on. Once Brody is here (and my body is recovered), I can focus that energy on him and start doing things for myself again!
Weekly wisdom: Being patient at this stage in the pregnancy is easier said than done. We're prepared to meet our son & now that he's full-term and it's safe for him to join us, I'm definitely anxious. I know he'll arrive when he's ready, but it's hard to wait!!
Milestones: Baby is now full term!
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