Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My theory on "nesting"
Nesting is a survival instinct when it occurs after 36 weeks. Sitting around waiting for your baby to make his/her appearance will in fact drive you crazy. So what else is there to do but clean the house? Then as you continue to clean, you'll find all those things that you can ignore on a daily basis but all of a sudden organizing them will become more appealing than sitting around over-analyzing every small pain.
Last night after 12 hours at work, I got home & started cleaning the house. Since this isn't my usual behavior, Jason automatically said, "you must be getting ready to go into labor!" Honestly, it's uncomfortable to sit on the couch, laying in bed is worse & doing nothing causes me to think too much about how much I want to go into labor! So the alternative: clean the house. Maybe tonight I'll organize the tupperware...
Monday, December 28, 2009
37 Week Doctor Appointment
Blood Pressure: 116/68
Heartbeat: 135
Fundal Height: 38.5 (up 2.5 in a week -- he had a growth spurt!)
Labor Progress: No change from last week, 50% effaced & 0 cm dialated. Doctor said he's definitely expecting him to hold out until January.
Can't say I'm not a little dissapointed...
Time Flies! Then it stops!
We've accomplished everything I needed to do before the baby is born. Our nursery is stocked, the hospital bag is ready, the carseat is installed...we're ready. Apparently Brody is not.
Babies full-term babies are born anywhere from 37-42 weeks. That is a long window of opportunity. And if Brody decides to hold out for 42 weeks, I'm going to be one impatient mommy!
Now I just sit back and remind myself that his health is the most important thing to me and if he needs more time in there, he should have it.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
37 Weeks

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
36 Week Doctor Appointment
Weight: +0!! (Despite the Cinnabon I had right before hand)
Blood Pressure: 120/70
Heartbeat: 145
Fundal Height: 36
Baby's size: I had to ask him this week if he will estimate how big Brody will be when he's born. I have been told by several people that their doctor's estimates were completely off & some that were right on. But I'm a curious person, so I at least wanted to know what he thought.
So here's the consensus: He's probably already around 7lbs, and he estimated around 8 at birth. The only part that worries me is if he's late & grows a 1/2 lb a week like the doctor said he could. That would be a 9+ lb baby! Oh well, women do it all the time.
Labor Progress: This is the first week that he started doing internal exams to determine the progress towards labor. It is just an estimate and it's also not a strong indicator of how far away/close labor is. This is because I could dialate quickly or slowly. Some women remain 3-4cm dialated for weeks or go from 0-4cm in a few hours.
At this point, I am not dialated at all, but my cervix is 50% effaced (thinned out). The baby is definitely moving down & is head down. So he's getting ready to go.
Kick Counts: I have a sheet to start tracking the amount of times Brody moves. He's a pretty active little guy, so it's just important to make sure I take the time 2-3 times a day to notice if he's moving that day.
Next appointment: 1 week! Plus I'll be officially full-term!
Friday, December 18, 2009
36 Weeks
Sleep: Is not going so well these days. My hips are expanding again (I thought they did that already?!?) and if I don't turn over frequently enough, then they get sore. Of course, turning over is like a 5 minute process by itself!!
Milestones: Stretch marks. I'm not happy about it & don't want to talk about it.
Monday, December 14, 2009
35 Weeks down 35 Days to go!
Weekly Checklist
How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Are boring. I have clothes envy everytime I walk through the normal size department.
Sleep: Depends on the night. Some nights I can't get enough sleep, other nights I'm too uncomfortable for a full night.
Food Cravings: nothing new this week
What I miss: I'll just keep adding to my list from last week: Heels, belts, buttoning my winter jacket, squeezing into small spaces, having normal emotional reactions to things, fully caffenated starbucks lattes...
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Brody in all his adorable new clothes.
Weekly wisdom: Unless you are close to a pregnant woman and/or you really care about the answer, skip the "how are you feeling question?" When random co-workers ask you this on a daily basis, it gets a bit exhausting. I know they mean well, but it just gets to be a little much. To future pregnant women, I recommend making a T-Shirt that says: "I'm feeling fine, due January 15th and it's a boy." :)
Milestones: 35 & 35. After 35 weeks of pregnancy, I only have 35 days to go (give or take).
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
34 Week Doctor Appointment
Weight: up 1 lb for total gain of 31 lbs.
Blood Pressure: nurse didn't say, but they said it was great
Heartbeat: 140
Fundal Height: 34.5 cm -- still right on track, yay!
He asked how I was doing & I gave him the same, doing great! I did mention that Brody's movements seemed to have changed slightly (I had a couple days where he was on the quiet side) but that it seems just like he's running out of room. Dr asked if I was having at least 10 movements per day? Per day? Definitely. He moves more than that when I'm ready to go to bed. I'm lucky that he's such a mover.
Since I know i'm getting closer to that delivery day, I wanted to ask him a few questions about when to come into the hospital etc.
When to call the dr: Call with any problems or trauma etc. But if I'm having contractions, call the doctors office during the day. He also said at my 36 week appointment I'll get his home number so I can call him if it's after hours. I thought that was pretty generous.
When to come into the hospital once in labor: He said whenever I am comfortable, but once contractions are about 5 minutes apart for a full hour we should definitely come in.
Induction: If I have a favorable cervix (he gave a certain centimeters dialted & % effaced) then he will induce at any point after my due date, if I want him to. If my cervix is still pretty closed, he will let me go 10 days after my due date. This reduces the rate of "failed inductions." Obviously his goal is to not try to make my body do something it's not ready for. All totally reasonable to me. I especially like the idea that if I am favorable, I can schedule an induction within a few days of being overdue.
Winter weather: Then on his way out, he gave me a quick lecture. It was kinda funny, but just something I'm sure he does with everyone (he doesn't even know what a clutz I am!) But he just said, make sure I walk slow in the winter weather & take small steps. If I fall & land anywhere on my stomach I should give them a call.
Next appointment: Starts my weekly appointments. He will do an internal exam to see if I've started dialating. They also do a group B strep test to see if I am carrying the bacteria. If I do, they will have to administer antibiotics during delivery. Other than that, it didn't sound like a big deal, but I can learn more if for some reason I fall in that category.
Plus, our next appointment is the week of Christmas...yay!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pregnancy Police - Bowling
I know my body and I have continued to make safe decisions for the last 7 1/2 months for me and the baby. If women can train for marathons when they're pregnant, I can throw a 10 lb bowling ball down a lane for an hour or so!!
Then today, another co-worker is talking about the outing and says "well of course you're not bowling!" So I told her, yes I am planning to bowl. She mentions that another co-worker in her department was told by her doctor that she wasn't allowed to and she's not even as far along as I am. At this point the rest of my co-workers in the discussion begin to voice similar concerns.
Okay, fine, fine, I'll call my doctor. So I did, and guess what he said? "Yep, you can bowl!"
I just wish being pregnant didn't mean justifying the decisions I make on a daily basis.
Friday, December 4, 2009
33 Weeks/34 Weeks

"Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month. "