After telling people we were having a baby, we've been hearing this a lot. Our first reaction was, well yeah, of course it's going to change, that was the point right? Then this comment became a little more annoying when people acted like our lives were going to end when the baby gets here. I'd say we're not your typical mid-twenty year-olds. We're already very family oriented and couldn't tell you the last time we were out past midnight. So I believe all the changes we have coming are only for the better and our lives as we know it are not over.
However, I've come to the realization in the last month that there is one really big part of my life that will need to change drastically. That's my work-life. Luckily I work in a company that supports working mothers (on-site daycare) and I have a very supportive management structure. So it's not like I'm going to be giving up my career when the baby comes.
What will need to change is how I approach my job. Today, I take advantage of the weeknights where Jason is bowling or playing volleyball by working late. On those nights and many other nights, I end up at work until 7pm without thinking twice. When the dogs are taken care of and Jason isn't home, there's no reason to worry about how many hours I work. Obviously working mothers don't have that luxury.
We are very lucky that Jason has a job where he leaves between 3:30 & 4:30 everyday. This will allow him to pick up Brody from daycare at a reasonable hour each night. While this will allow me to stay at work late on most nights, I know myself well enough to know I won't be okay with missing time with my baby. I love my job, but I also love my family and I know there will be days I will struggle with giving the right amount of attention to both. It will be an interesting ride...
1 comment:
It will be an interesting ride...but you will figure out the right balance. Just remind yourself that what works for others might not work for has taken me more years than I care to admit to get comfortable with the fact that we each define "balance" differently, and that I can't hold myself to anyone's standards but my own.
On the plus side, the world's greatest cure to a bad day at the office? A big baby grin!
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