Friday, October 16, 2009

Goodbye Second Tri

I am officially in my third (and final!) trimester. This is both scary and exciting to me. 13 weeks ago when I began my 2nd trimester, I was thrilled. It meant a significantly lower risk of miscarriage, I started sharing the news with everyone and we found out it was a boy! 3rd trimester isn't as thrilling to me...

I've never had any concerns about being pregnant but I've always worried about the whole giving birth part. When I was in high school, I actually swore that I would never have kids. This was part of the reason. In college I went through a phase that I would just adopt all my children, as to avoid it. Then I became pregnant and though I knew I'd have to get over my silly fears, I still figured I'd just ignore that part until I hit 3rd Tri.

So here I am. Now it's time to educate myself to determine what my birth plan will be and actually start forming opinions on things like pain management, induction, C-sections etc. Consider denial over.

Now on to the good thing about 3rd tri: I get to meet my son in approximatly 13 weeks! Other things I am excited for are the wonderful baby showers that my friends & families are throwing us, finishing the nursery and getting the dogs ready to have a baby around. Between all of that and the holidays, I know the next three months are going to fly by.


Jen said...

I was the same way! I swore I was not going to have kids, even told Mike on one of our first dates that I probably did not want to have kids. Then I decided adoption would work - as long as I didn't have to physically have them, I'd be fine with the whole motherhood thing. During my pregnancy, I actually hoped the baby would not turn so I could have a c-section. : )

Tina said...

You're a smart, strong'll be great! The more you educate yourself, the less scary it becomes; it's kind of empowering to know that your body can create and give life, ya know? :) But anyways, welcome to your last trimester!